Contact details for Wiltshire Local Offer and other council teams
Contacting the Local Offer
If you want to contact us directly, to discuss something specific, our email address is: (opens new window), this is monitored regularly.
If you want to leave anonymous suggestion about the Local Offer please visit:
If you have enquiries that don't relate to SEND services, visit Contact Wiltshire Council. You can find information, and request and pay for most services, on
Contacting the Wiltshire SEND team
How to contact a SEND Officer at Wiltshire Council for help with Education, Health and Care Needs assessments or queries regarding children or young people without an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Wiltshire has a number of local arrangements for collaboration between institutions to support those with SEN.
About the Local Offer
The Wiltshire Local Offer is the first place to look for information about services, advice and support for special educational needs and disabilities, for early years to adulthood.
Jargon Buster
A comprehensive guide to acronyms used by special educational needs and disability services.