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SEND Sustainability Plan

If you are looking for information about our new SEND Sustainability Plan see 'SEND sustainability plan'

Local Offer Annual Report 2023


A significant amount of work has been undertaken over the last year to make sure that Wiltshire's Local Offer remains relevant and meets the needs of our children, young people, parents, carers and partners. Many people from across the local area partnership have given time, energy and brought creativity to the work, ensuring that the resource continues to evolve. This Annual Report outlines some of the steps that we have taken together, to ensure that our Local Offer continues to develop and grow. Whilst we acknowledge that there are always further projects and activities to undertake, the progress that has been made is evident and means that together, we are able to offer an improved range of information and resource from our Local Offer site.  

The Children and Families Act 2014 requires that all Local Authorities publish an Annual Report on Special Educational Needs and Disability which includes the Local Offer. This report will provide a 'snapshot' of what has been achieved over the past year working with parent/carers, children/young people, educational settings, community and voluntary organisations and our plans around maintaining and developing the information available. 

The SEND Code of Practice (2014) states that the purpose of the Local Offer is: 

  • To provide clear, comprehensive, accessible, and up-to-date information about the provision available in the local area and how to access this 
  • To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving children/young people with SEND, their parent/carers and service providers in the process of development and review 

More information on what the Local Offer should include is available in the SEN (Local Offer) regulations 2014 and the GOV.UK: Statutory guidance SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years (opens new window) - chapter 4. To ensure reading is meeting the requirements of the Children and Families Act 2014 (opens new window) we must also ensure that we continue to: 

  • consult with all partners on the information available on the Local Offer 
  • involve children, young people, and their parent/carers and in the preparation and review of the Local Offer 
  • publish comments on the Local Offer 
  • ensure that the information is accessible to everyone 

The policies that guide the work of the Local Offer can be found via SEND services reviews and strategies and the resource pages; SEND Resources 0 to 5SEND Resources 5 to 11SEND Resources 11 to 16SEND Resources 16+.

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