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SEND support 0 to 25 and the Military

This page highlights the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Support accessible to service personal and their families in Wiltshire.


  1. Foreword
  2. Your Voice and Getting Involved
  3. Education support
  4. Health
  5. Social Care
  6. Employment and training
  7. Community activities, groups and support


Wiltshire has one of the largest UK's largest military communities thanks to the number of military establishments that operate within our borders, and veterans choosing to remain or return to live here.

We are passionate about supporting and understanding the needs of all our residents, that includes those service members who have the unique requirements aligned with military life.


If you have been notified of a base move to Wiltshire, you should let the SEND Service know as soon as it is confirmed. This will assist our team in arranging the transfer of information about an EHCP or ongoing needs assessments. It is helpful to make sure the school knows our contact details for sending us paperwork and that we know details for any Military Welfare Liaison Officers assisting the move. For information about how to contact our team visit: Contacting the Wiltshire SEND team For specific information about moving with a EHC Plan visit: Moving in or out of Wiltshire with an EHCP.

To read some examples of what processes happen when a family moves to Wiltshire with an EHCP visit:

Military mover in case studies


For support with additional health needs for a young person or child under the age of 18 in Wiltshire contact the Single Point of Access see HCRG Care Group: Wiltshire Children's Services - What is the SPA? (opens new window).

For support with additional health needs for a young person over the age of 18 in Wiltshire you can find a range of support and services by visiting Adult Health - Wiltshire Local Offer.

The NHS in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire is offering military families in the region dedicated help and support to navigate any issues and queries they may have which relate to local health and care.

Military personnel and their loved ones can now contact the local NHS directly to receive personalised advice and guidance on any matter that is making accessing local services a challenge. To find out more visit NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (ICB): Local NHS reaches out to offer helping hand to region’s military families (opens new window).

For more information from NHS England on health services and the military visit NHS: Armed Forces healthcare commissioning (opens new window).

Social care

Employment and training

For wider information about additional needs support for employment and training in Wiltshire you can visit Employment 16+.

Community activities, groups and support

Although military life has many benefits, military-connected families also experience unique challenges such as being separated from loved ones and having to relocate frequently. This can create stress and anxiety for parents, carers and children. By providing support at an early stage, this can build families' resilience and improve their wellbeing.

Access to early support community groups develops young children's personal, social, and emotional development and enhances communication and interactions skills. It can also support parents/carers to develop relationships with others and builds links in the community.

Who to talk to

If you are struggling to find something to support a particular additional need as a young person under 25 a carer or family member there are people you can talk to.

Civilian contacts

Military contacts

If you are worried about a young person at risk of harm please visit Worried about a child?. If you believe there is a risk of criminal harm or a crime has been committed call 999.

The Local Offer has a variety of ways you can contact us if you are unsure where to look for support, want to raise gaps in information or suggest site improvements.


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For support information not specific to additional needs for SEND young people and their families/carers you can visit MCI/Army basing.

Local Offer home

Discover your local support in Wiltshire for families and young people with SEND, special needs and disabilities, from years 0 to 25. Services, advice and ways to feedback.

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