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Meeting needs together, ambitious for all

Welcome to the Wiltshire SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy 2024-29.

Our plan for children and young people with SEND or in Alternative Provision in Wiltshire.

Wiltshire's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2023-32) sets out the vision that:

People in Wiltshire are empowered to live full, healthy and enriched lives.

Our ambition to achieve this vision rests on ensuring that children and young people get a good start in life, build resilience and get the very best from their education. Offering support to all children, young people and their families, as well as focusing on those who need the help the most, reduces inequalities and improves outcomes.

SEND Strategy Signing

We are committed to improving our services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and their families. We believe that SEND is everybody's business and are focused on providing excellent educational opportunities including Alternative Provision (AP) for those who need it. We are determined to do everything we can to provide better experiences and outcomes for all our children and young people with SEND in educational settings as well as for those that attend Alternative Provision.

A key to achieving this is placing children, young people and their families at the centre of our work, by ensuring joint working is at the heart of our services. Partners across the local area of Wiltshire are committed to working together with the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council as well as children, young people, parent carers and partner organisations. We know that this approach will mean improved support for children and young people with SEND, so that they have full, healthy and enriched lives.

'Meeting Needs Together, Ambitious for All' sets out our vision, the priorities we will focus on as a partnership and how we will do this work over the next five years. Our aim is to work together to deliver cohesive, holistic support to our children and families and to have the child or young person's aspirations and needs at the centre of our work.

We are developing our plan to reflect the priorities in this strategy. As we implement and measure our progress against each of the priorities, we will provide regular reports to the SEND and AP Partnership Board on the delivery of this strategy. We will regularly publish the outcomes of our actions on the SEND Local Offer website, and through an annual report, so that children and young people with SEND, their families and the wider public are fully informed on our progress.

Watch Lisa Fryer our Head of SEND and Inclusion share the key points from the strategy: YouTube: Wiltshire Council SEND and AP Strategy (opens new window)

Easy read version

Meeting Needs Together, ambitious for all, SEND Strategy 24 to 29 Easy Read (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Download an accessible version of this strategy: Meeting Needs Together, ambitious for all, SEND Strategy 24 to 29 downloadable (OpenDocument text format, 463 KB)(opens new window)

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