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This page was last updated: 06/02/2025 using our Page visits analytics for the month of January 2025. This will be updated in March.
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Short Breaks
Information on Wiltshire's leisure opportunities scheme for those aged 6 to 18 with an EHCP
7: Specialist Schools
Specialist Schools are the place where young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities get tailored support from specialist teachers.
EHC assessments
Information and how to apply for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment
EHCP 5 to 11
Information and additional support for primary years about Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments and Plans in Wiltshire
Contacting the Wiltshire SEND team
Contact a SEND Officer at Wiltshire Council for help with Education, Health, and Care Needs assessments or queries about children or young people without a Plan.
OPAL Introduction
The support that should be expected ordinarily by all children and young people in educational settings (early years, schools and colleges).
Guide to Alternative Provision
Information for parents and carers about Alternative Provision (AP), how it works, and what to expect
Autism and ADHD information
This page contains information about assessment pathways, support services and additional tools for Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
List of services
List of Wiltshire's countywide services available to those in the 0 to 25 years special educational needs and disability community.
EHCNA documents
Documents to help complete a request for an EHC assessment
Further education (16 plus)
This section provides information about educational provision in Wiltshire for young people aged 16 and above. For example sixth form, college and universities.