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Wiltshire SEND education guide

SEND Education Guide Introduction

This guide lists the educational settings and opportunities we expect to be available for Wiltshire school aged learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

First published date: 06/ 2024 | Review date: 09/2025

The information in this guide has been provided by education settings and educational services. The intention is to make understanding the education offer in Wiltshire as simple and accessible as possible. It will be continuously updated. Subsequent editions of this guide will incorporate information on post-16 provisions, additional images, updates from educational settings, and standardisation of category headings into similar formats.

If you are a school or setting that wishes to update information please email (opens new window). If you are supplying images we can host up to 5 images as a gallery. The images need to be landscape orientation and as high resolution as possible. Please also confirm you have permissions from anybody featured in the images should we need to request them.

You can also find further education information by visiting the relevant pages of the Wiltshire Local Offer:

Education 5 to 11

Education 11 to 16

Throughout this guide you will see reference to schools sorted by North, South, East and West, we have set it out this way to echo the way the SEND Service operates. If you have an EHCP each area will have a designated team familiar with you and your school. To find out more visit: Contacting the Wiltshire SEND team

1: Ordinary Provision for all Learners (OPAL)

OPAL is a resource which outlines the provision and support that should ordinarily be available for children and young people in education settings, such as early years, schools and colleges.

Wiltshire's Ordinary Provision for All Learners is important because:

  • Educational institutions would benefit from guidance on how they can anticipate being held accountable, and how they can deliver based on best practice
  • all children and young people can thrive more in an inclusive culture
  • parents and carers can understand a consistent approach more easily

In practice, our OPAL will:

  • promote a vision for a more inclusive system, firmly based on high standards and quality first teaching (QFT) for all
  • index and link to existing best practice documentation
  • define core standards and provide tools for learning to meet a consistent minimum effort
  • provide positive, celebratory examples of best practice in the Wiltshire context
  • contain supportive resources to promote practitioner development
  • provide a forum for collaborative learning and improvement, including a space for practitioners to share best practice
  • support provision of tools and skills to help children and young people to integrate in communities
  • support our communities to be as inclusive as possible

Wiltshire is a needs led area:

This means that any provision or support will be tailored to the individual's needs, and that a diagnosis is not required to access support in schools and settings.

To access the guide visit:

Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL)

2: Admissions for SEND placements


Most children and young people with SEN or disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met within local mainstream early year settings, schools or colleges form universal services. Some children and young people may require an Education, Health and Care plan, which documents the provision to support the additional needs.

What type of decisions need to be made?

When a request for an EHC needs assessment is made, the local authority has a legal duty to consider it and decide if it is necessary. If that assessment is agreed, the local authority then need to decide if the child or young person requires an EHCP to make special educational provision to meet needs, to secure the best outcomes for them across education, health and social care, and to prepare them for adulthood. These decisions need to be made in a fair and equitable way and in line with the SEND Code of Practice, which lays out how local authorities must make these decisions.

What are Discussion and Decision groups (DaDs)?

We have worked in co-production with parent carers to review and change the format of SEN Panels. Parent carers told us that we were not being clear enough about what the panels were for or who was part of the decision making. So, we have introduced a series of Discussion and Decision groups to replace the single SEN Panel and are sharing information about how the groups work. These groups have been formed to ensure that:

  • there is the opportunity to discuss needs and provision with the most appropriate professionals for the type of request
  • the decisions made are fair, equitable and in line with the law
  • there is regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the child and parent carer or young person
  • there is a moderation process in place so that our processes are clear for all service users and that we report back on improvements

Discussion and Decision Group 1

This group makes the decision on whether or not to commence an EHC Needs Assessment.

Discussion and Decision Group 2

This group decides on whether to issue an EHCP after an assessment, and specialist provision and funding decisions.

Discussion and Decision Group 3

This group makes decisions on placements and funding for children and young people with highly complex needs.

Discussion and Decision Group 4

This group makes decisions on placements for children who are preparing to transfer from primary to secondary school with an EHCP and may require a maintained special school or resource base.

Once a decision has been made

If a DaD determine the placement type as mainstream resource base or specialist then the following process is followed. The local authority give due regard to the following sections from the SEND code of practice - (opens new window):

9.79 - If a child's parent or a young person makes a request for a particular nursery school or post-16 institution in these groups the local authority must comply with that preference and name the school or college in the EHC plan unless:

  • it would be unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or SEN of the child or young person, or
  • the attendance of the child or young person there would be incompatible with the efficient education of others, or the efficient use of resources

Efficient education means providing for each child or young person a suitable, appropriate education in terms of their age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs they may have. Where a local authority is considering the appropriateness of an individual institution, 'others' is intended to mean the children and young people with whom the child or young person with an EHC plan will directly come into contact on a regular day-to-day basis

9.80 - The local authority must consult the governing body, principal or proprietor of the school or college concerned and consider their comments very carefully before deciding whether to name it in the child or young person's EHC plan, sending the school or college a copy of the draft plan. If another local authority maintains the school, they too must be consulted

9.83 - The nursery, school or college and, where relevant, the other local authority, should respond within 15 days. Where a nursery, school or college identified at 9.78 above is named on an EHC plan they must admit the child or young person

9.84 - The child's parent or the young person may also make representations for places in non-maintained early years provision or at independent schools or independent specialist colleges or other post-16 providers that are not on the list mentioned at 9.78 above and the local authority must consider their request. The local authority is not under the same conditional duty to name the provider but must have regard to the general principle in section 9 of the Education Act 1996 that children should be educated in accordance with their parents' wishes, so long as this is compatible with the provision of efficient instruction and training and does not mean unreasonable public expenditure. The local authority should be satisfied that the institution would admit the child or young person before naming it in a plan since these providers are not subject to the duty to admit a child or young person even if named in their plan.

It should be noted that whilst parental preference is considered, the Local Authority has a duty to consider mainstream as a possibility for all children and young people where appropriate. The LA has a duty to consult with the parental preference but must also consider a range of other factors when determining placement.

For further information visit: SEND code of practice - (opens new window)

3: Mainstream provision

The majority of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disability (SEND) should have their needs met through local provision to ensure that they are fully included in their local communities. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice is clear that all schools must have a focus on inclusivity and should be able to meet the needs of the majority of children and young people with identified SEND. You can read more about a schools commitment and their provision for SEND in each School SEND Information report, this is published on their website and there is a statutory requirement to update this on an annual basis.

All schools must provide high quality teaching that is differentiated, and personalised, and is able to meet the individual needs of our children and young people. Some children and young people may require provision that is different from, or additional tothat of children and young people of the same age therefore, all settings (Early Years/Schools/Colleges) are expected to make special educational provision under Section 21 of The Children's and Families Act 2014. All settings have a duty and must use their best endeavours to ensure that such provision is made for those who need it. Special Educational Provision is underpinned by high quality, Quality First Teaching (QFT), and is compromised by anything less.

You can read more about the provision we expect all learners with addition needs to be supported with in our Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL) guide. The guide contains the reasonable adjustments we expect educators to implement and evidence in the graduated response, this is taken into consideration when a needs assessment is requested. The support and adjustments made are so that a child or young person with SEND can fully participate in their education.

Early Years providers, Schools and Colleges should know precisely where children and young people with SEND are in their learning and development and should:

  • Ensure decisions are informed by the insights of parents and those of the children and young people themselves
  • Have high ambitions and set stretching targets for their children and young people
  • Track their progress towards these goals
  • Keep under review the additional to, or different from, provision that is made for them
  • Promote positive outcomes in the wider areas of personal and social development
  • Ensure that the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on progress

For a complete list of all Mainstream education providers in and around Wiltshire and which SEND Service team oversees their learners please visit:

SEND team schools list by area

You can also visit the Government website to search and download information from a register of all schools and colleges in England.

Get information about schools (opens new window)

4: Early Years provision

This page contains information about the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision for those 0 to 5 years old in Wiltshire.

Early years SEND provision
Name of provisionLocation
The John McNeill Opportunity CentreSalisbury
Stepping StonesTrowbridge
Devizes and District Opportunity CentreDevizes
Wiltshire PortageChippenham

For more information visit:

Early Years Education

5: Primary School Resource Bases

Resource Base Provision (RBP) enables children and young people with SEND to attend a mainstream school whilst having access to specialist provision. The Local Authority agrees placement in these settings.

Name of SchoolDesignationLocation
Frogwell Primary SchoolComplex NeedsNorth, Chippenham
Lyneham Primary SchoolCommunication and InteractionNorth, Lyneham
Charter Primary SchoolCommunication and InteractionNorth, Chippenham
Clarendon Infant SchoolComplex NeedsEast, Tidworth
Marden Vale AcademyComplex NeedsEast, Calne
Marlborough St Mary Primary SchoolComplex NeedsEast, Marlborough
Wansdyke Primary SchoolComplex NeedsEast, Devizes
Kiwi Primary SchoolComplex NeedsEast, Tidworth
Studley Green Primary SchoolComplex Needs, Communication and InteractionWest, Trowbridge
Castle Mead Primary SchoolComplex NeedsWest, Trowbridge
The Avenue Primary SchoolComplex Needs West, Warminster
River Mead SchoolComplex NeedsWest, Melksham
Westbury Junior SchoolComplex NeedsWest, Westbury
Westbury Infant SchoolComplex NeedsWest, Westbury
Christ The King SchoolCommunication and InteractionSouth, Amesbury
Greentrees Primary SchoolAutism Spectrum DisorderSouth, Salisbury
Manor Fields SchoolComplex NeedsSouth, Salisbury
Sarum St Paul's Primary SchoolHearing ImpairmentSouth, Salisbury
St Mark's Junior SchoolCommunication and InteractionSouth, Salisbury
Wilton Primary SchoolCommunication and InteractionSouth, Wilton
Wyndham Park Infants' SchoolCommunication and InteractionSouth, Salisbury

SEND Service North

SEND Service East

SEND Service West

SEND Service South

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6: Secondary School Resource Bases

Wiltshire Council have a programme to develop a range of Resource Base Provision (RBP). A specialist resource provision enables children and young people with SEND to attend a mainstream school whilst having access to specialist provision. The Local Authority agrees placement in these settings.

Below is a brief outline of the designation of the resource bases we have established in Wiltshire in Phase 1 of this programme.

Designation of the resource bases we have established in Wiltshire in Phase
Name of schoolDesignationLocation
Clarendon AcademyCognition and Learning NeedsWest, Trowbridge
John of Gaunt SchoolCommunication and Interaction NeedsWest, Trowbridge
Sheldon SchoolHearing ImpairmentNorth, Chippenham

In Phase 2 of the programme, Wiltshire Council are developing further RBPs in secondary schools in the South, East and North of the county.

We will update this page as soon as these RBPs are announced.

SEND Service North

SEND Service West

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7: Specialist Schools

Name of schoolDesignationLocation
Silverwood School

Complex Needs.

North, Rowde/ Chippenham/ Trowbridge
The Springfields Academy

ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder. SLCN - Speech, language and communication

North, Calne
Downlands School

SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health, ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

East, Devizes
Downlands Hub

SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty, ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

East, Devizes
Exeter House

SLCN - Speech, language and Communication and ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

South, Salisbury
Salisbury Academy for Inspirational Learning (SAIL)

ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health.

South, Salisbury

SEND Service North 

SEND Service East

Send Service South

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8: Other educational provision

This section will talk about education other than at school, elective home education and alternative provision.

9: Post 16 education provision

The 2nd edition of this guide will include information about Post 16 providers that specialise in supporting additional needs. We expect to publish this information in September 2024.

For more information visit:

Education, employment and training

10: SEN place development projects

Wiltshire Council is working with our local schools to increase the number of special school and resource base places available in Wiltshire to meet growing demand for specialist SEN school places

Our aim is to create more High Needs school places - in primary resource bases, secondary resource bases and special schools - so children and young people can access the best education, in the right location and at the right time. We want more children to have their education needs met closer to the family home, delivered by maintained schools and academy trusts in Wiltshire.

To find out more visit:

SEN Place Projects

11: SEN school transport

For information on when Wiltshire Council can help with travel to school, college, or further education visit:

SEND Transport Policy

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