The support available to help learners in Wiltshire

All children and young people may have additional needs at some point in their lifetime. Additional needs can be short term or long term, and additional support may be needed for a short period of time while for others additional support is needed for longer periods of time. Additional needs could involve learning, communication, behaviour, or emotional wellbeing. Sometimes, additional needs may be called special educational needs or disabilities, (SEND).
For more information about SEND education provision in Wiltshire visit:
To find out who to talk to about SEND Advice and Support visit: SEND Advice and Information
1: Support in schools
Support in schools can also be referred to as OPAL (Ordinarily available Provision for All Learners) this outlines all the support and resources we expect to be available in all education settings to all learners.
SEN Specialist Support Services
The following services all support learners to access the education they need. This may be by providing training to supporting professionals or parent/carers, they also cover a wide range of specialisms in equipment and holistic practices.
EHC assessments
Information and how to apply for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment