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Supporting My Neurodivergent Young Person (SMNYP)

SMNYP is designed to help parent/carers develop a better understanding of their child or young person who may have any or all of the following: inflexible thinking, differences in communication and social interaction, sensory differences and difficulty maintaining attention and focus or following the adult's agenda.

The focus of Supporting My Neurodivergent Young Person is to understand the reasons which may lead to certain behaviours or responses and practical strategies to try. The course content is designed primarily for young people who are in mainstream schools and/or use or are developing verbal communication.

Sessions cover key areas such as understanding neurodivergence, communication and social interaction, developing attention, sensory differences and behaviour.

The young person may be on the Needs Led Profiling Tool or awaiting investigation of possible autism and/or ADHD on the Neurodevelopmental Pathway.

The young person does not need to have any diagnosis of autism or other special educational need or disability.

Supporting My Neurodivergent Young Person has replaced SWAPP (Support in Wiltshire for Autism Parenting Programme). If you have already attended the relevant SWAPP course for the age of your child, you do not need to attend SMNYP.

Course information


There is no charge to families or school staff.

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