The SEND Transformation Programme brings together all of the improvements that Wiltshire Council is making for children and young people with SEND
EHCP webinar for parents held on the 5 December 2024: YouTube: Wiltshire Council - EHCP Webinar, 5 December 2024 (opens new window) to read the follow up answers download Answers from 5th December SEND Transformation Webinar (OpenDocument text format, 6 KB)(opens new window)
We want children and Young People with SEND to have the best possible start in life and have access to great opportunities and choices. And we want schools and parent carers to have the support they need to help their children and young people get there.
We must maintain, and improve, the quality of support that children and Young People in Wiltshire receive.
Wiltshire Council has developed a SEND Sustainability Plan. This is a map of how we will achieve sustainability and better outcomes over the next five years. It was created with parents, carers, schools, colleges, early years settings and other partners. As part of the plan we will:
- provide additional special school places
- invest in more resource bases which provide SEND support in mainstream schools
- fund new teams that will provide early support for children and young people with SEND, and their families
The Transformation Programme will also include an exciting new SEND, Inclusion and Alternative Provision Strategy (AP) which will come into effect from this academic year.
The Transformation Programme has 6 key outcomes:
- Embedding the voices of children and families centrally within the system so they are empowered to advocate for themselves. This will include forums such as a Stakeholder Reference Panel that will ensure that transformation work is heading in the best direction.
- In partnership with settings, we will improve support, skills and practice relating to SEND. We will be improving the package of support available in mainstream settings through provisions such as Multi-Disciplinary Teams supporting inclusion in mainstream settings.
- We will ensure that children and Young People with SEND get the Right Support at the Right time. We will strengthen the offer in mainstream so that a greater proportion of needs can be effectively met in these settings. For example, we will continue to roll out the Dyslexia Friendly Schools programme, support the delivery of an Autism Education Trust programme within mainstream schools, and increase capacity within specialist schools.
- We will strengthen Preparing for Adulthood pathways to ensure the best possible outcomes for young people as they transition into adulthood. We will highlight pathways to employment that are in demand locally and increase confidence in post-EHCP support.
- We will ensure that there is Financial Assurance in our SEND system. The SEND Sustainability Plan will ensure that value for money is being achieved within the SEND system. It will include a review of the current service delivery model.
- We will improve communications, processes and culture. We will achieve this through measures such as a new SEND helpline where parents, carers and settings with queries relating to SEND can access advice, and frequent good practice forums for schools and settings.
The landscape in SEND is a dynamic and challenging one. However, Wiltshire Council is committed to navigating through this in partnership with all those involved towards a sustainable system that achieves the best possible outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
For more information on SEND Sustainability Plan see SEND sustainability plan.
For more information on special school and resource base development projects visit see SEN Place Projects.
The SEND Transformation Programme Team can be contacted at (opens new window).
Previous SEND and AP strategy webinars for parents
15 November 2024:
- Watch YouTube: SEND and AP Webinar (opens new window)
- To read follow up answers download Answers from 15th November SEND Transformation Webinar (OpenDocument text format, 7 KB)(opens new window)