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The Future of the Short Breaks Scheme - Have your say!

Published 4 September 2024
stick figures of parent/ carers with child on a black background with speech bubbles

The current Short Breaks Scheme enables a specific group of children and young people (6-18 years old) who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to access activities and leisure opportunities. The scheme has been running for many years and we would like to revisit this and consider what it should look like from April 2026.

To inform our decisions about the future of the scheme we want to discuss with you how it should work in the future, what should be offered and how we can ensure it benefits SEND families best. We're keen to have these early conversations with parent carers and children and young people with SEND.

Over the next month, the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) is kindly putting on four events promoted as 'Coffee, Cake and Conversation about Wiltshire's Short Breaks Scheme' to gather parent carer feedback and thoughts. Everyone who attends will also have the chance to win one of three £50 gift vouchers! Parent carers will also be able to claim their mileage and parking expenses, as well as any childcare costs incurred by attending a session.

Booking is essential via the online booking form (opens new window). In addition to the link to the online booking form, if anyone needs assistance to book a place, they can simply call the WPCC (01225 764647 | Option 1) and they will support them to book their place over the phone.

Events are to be held:

  • Wednesday 11 September, Devizes: 10.30am - 1pm
  • Tuesday 17 September, Salisbury: 10.30am - 1pm
  • Thursday 26 September, Calne: 10.30am - 1pm
  • Tuesday 3 October, online: 4pm-5pm

Full details of the venue locations are on the booking form (opens new window).

For more information about the current scheme, visit our short breaks page:

Short Breaks

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