We have worked in co-production with parent carers to review and change the format of SEN Panels. Parent carers told us that we were not being clear enough about what the panels were for or who was part of the decision making. So, we have introduced a series of Discussion and Decision (DaD) groups to replace the single SEN Panel and are sharing information about how the groups work.
How the Discussion and Decision Groups moderated
The local authority has a quality assurance process to make sure that decision-making is consistent and fair and in the best interests of the child or young person. Appointed parent representatives from Wiltshire Parent Carer Council and school SENCos support the process and attend panels. The moderation will not alter existing decisions but will provide feed back to the SEN team on the decision-making processes in place.
What happens during an EHC Needs Assessment
The education health and care (EHC) needs assessment process can take up to 20 weeks. An assessment does not always lead to an EHC plan but will provide more information about the child's needs and the support needed to meet their needs.
If the DaD1 meeting described above decides to carry out an EHC needs assessment, we will move onto the next stage.
Within 16 weeks of the request, we will ask for advice and information about your child's needs, the provision required to meet their needs and the outcomes they should be working towards. We will get this from:
- you (the parent) or young person (aged 16 to 25)
- the education setting
- health care professionals working or supporting the child or young person
- an educational psychologist
- social care services
- any person requested by you or young person where we agree that it is reasonable to do so
- any other advice and information that we may consider appropriate
This advice and information must be provided within 6 weeks of us requesting it and more quickly wherever possible.
By 16 weeks of the request the decision on whether to issue an EHC plan will be made by a multi-agency group called 'Discussion and Decision Group 2'.