Published 2 October 2024

The Wiltshire Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS), provided by Family Action, are regularly out and about in the community to provide face to face support.
You can find the Family Action SENDIASS team in the following locations on the following days:
- Warminster library - Every second Monday of the month between 12 noon and 2pm
- Trowbridge County Hall Family Hub - Every third Monday of the month between 11.30am and 1.30pm
- Chippenham library - Every fourth Tuesday of the month between 11am and 1pm
- Salisbury library- Every first Thursday of the month between 10.30am and 12.30pm
You can find out more information and contact the SENDIASS team via Family Action: Wiltshire SENDIASS (opens new window) or phone them on 01225 255266.