Documents to help complete a request for an EHC assessment
Walk-through video for schools and settings
We have made a walk-through video on how to complete the e-form for schools and settings to watch before making a request for an EHC needs assessment.
View the walk-through video (opens new window)
The phone number referenced in this video to discuss requests has recently changed and the SEND team now uses 01225 712620.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a sheet that answers some common questions and queries about completing the EHCNA request e-form
EHC FAQs (OpenDocument text format, 17 KB)(opens new window)
Consent form
This is the parent or carer consent form which must be signed by the parent and uploaded as part of the submission. Schools and settings should ensure that the parent/carer is aware of the data protection statement and that this is giving consent to share information with other agencies as part of the decision-making process.
Parent or Carer consent form (OpenDocument text format, 770 KB)(opens new window)
Child's view
The local authority must have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the child/young person in making the decision whether to agree to the needs assessment. Within the e-form, schools and settings have the option to upload their own document (such as a one-page profile) or they can complete the template below. The guidance document below also gives other ideas on how to gain the child's views.
Information about me (OpenDocument text format, 794 KB)(opens new window)
Parent carer views
The local authority must also have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the parent/carer in making the decision whether to agree to the needs assessment for a school aged child. Within the e-form the school or setting has the option to complete a parent/carer sub-form, upload their own document (such as a letter from a parent or questionnaire) or they can complete the template below.
Parent carer views (OpenDocument text format, 12 KB)(opens new window)
SEND Support Plan
The Wiltshire SEND Support Plan is a document that can be used for children and young people with identified SEND, to plan outcome-focused and person-centred support, concentrating on individual needs and priorities. It has information about the child's needs and the support they are getting and should be written and reviewed with the parent carer and young person. It reflects the four-stage cycle of 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' and can help co-ordinate support if there are several professionals involved.
Not every child with SEND will require a SEND Support Plan. It is not a statutory document and some schools and settings will have their own approach to this level of support. As part of the request for a statutory EHC assessment, schools and settings are asked to provide examples of their approach to the assessment, planning, action and review of a child's needs and development.
Wiltshire SEND Support Plan (Word doc, 53 KB)(opens new window)
Here is some writing guidance for schools and early years settings that may help when completing the SEND Support Plan template:
SEND Support Plan Guidance for Schools (OpenDocument text format, 42 KB)(opens new window)
SEND Support Plan Guidance for Early Years (OpenDocument text format, 43 KB)(opens new window)
Provision mapping tool and guidance
A costed provision map is necessary as part of an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment request and as part of an annual review of an existing EHC plan. It is a detailed breakdown of costs which show how a school is following the graduated approach, provides a clear record of the provision that is in place for the individual child/young person and the costs involved.
SEND Individual Provision Map (Excel doc, 65 KB)(opens new window)
SEND Provision Map - Completed Example (Excel doc, 66 KB)(opens new window)