Important documents, guidance, and information for professionals and service users
On this page you will find SEND specific information around government guidance, additional information for parent/ carers and information published to support the work of educators, health and care professionals.
SEND statutory guidance for all
The government sets out in the following documents how the SEND community and service users should be supported and provided for.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice is a guidance document to help explain in more detail how services should operate and how information should be provided to service users:
The Children and Families Act 2014 is the statutory legislation that covers what should be contained in the local offer to residents with SEND and what should be published on the Local Offer website:
Strategy and provision reviews
If you would like to read up on the current policies set out by Wiltshire Council relating to SEND and the most recent reviews of the county provision, visit SEND Services Strategy and Reviews.
Additional resources for Parents and Carers
Statutory guidance
The following guide has been created specifically for parents and carers to explain what support should be expected for those with SEND, it is based on the Children and Families Act 2014 which you can find in the 'guidance for all' section:
Additional Resources for Parent Carers and Professionals
Supporting information for Educational settings
Statutory Guidance
The following guide has been created specifically for early years settings to explain what support should be expected for those with SEND, it is based on the Children and Families Act 2014 which you can find in the 'guidance for all' section:
GOV.UK, SEND: guide for early years settings (opens new window)
The following legislation governs how education settings should approach the protected characteristics of the young people it deals with.
GOV.UK, Equality Act 2010: Education and Schools (opens new window)
Supporting information for Social Care
Supporting information health
Multi-Agency information
If you think a child or young person is at immediate risk of significant harm, or is injured, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 4560108 (out of hours emergency duty: 0845 6070 888) or if there is immediate danger phone 999.