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GPs are the doctors who look after your health from the point when you are born all the way through for the rest of your life. They work with health professionals from almost every other service, so are a very important source of information and guidance. They are usually the best place to start if you or a member of your family have a health concern. 

Find your nearest surgery (opens new window)

Over 18

GPs work with people of all ages, all over Wiltshire. This means you will not need to change your GP when you turn 18.

Moving in and out of Wiltshire

If you move in or out of a county, registering with a GP is a good first step. You will need to be registered with a local GP to access most targeted and specialist services where an assessment or referral are involved.

How to choose a GP (opens new window)

How do I change my GP? (opens new window)

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