The Wiltshire Wheelchair Service provides wheelchairs and specialist seating to anyone with a long-term mobility problem or associated postural need. We also offer a repair and maintenance service to children and young people using one of our chairs.
The Wiltshire Health and Care Wheelchair team works with children and young people who have mobility or postural challenges to support them to:
- Access their home environment
- Access their education environment
- Minimise their mobility or postural challenges
Wiltshire wheelchair service website (opens new window)
Wiltshire Wheelchair Service is located at Melksham Community Hospital and provides services to all children and young people registered with a Wiltshire GP. The service can be accessed following a referral from a health care professional. We receive referrals from a number of health care professionals, including GPs, Occupational Therapist and specialist consultants. For further information visit Wiltshire Wheelchair service overview.
Over 16 years old
The service is provided to people of any age who are registered with a Wiltshire GP, so there is no transition and no barrier in terms of age.