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Money advice 5 to 11

Advice on what funds are available to help with the care and support of those with SEND

Having a child with additional needs can impact on a family's finances. It costs more to raise a disabled child than a non-disabled child and it can be difficult to combine paid work and caring.

Worrying about money can cause lots of stress.

Sudden changes to the income of a family can add pressures which impact on your wellbeing. Working out a budget is a really good way to keep on top of your finances. It allows you to work out if you have enough money to do the things you need or would like to do. You can find more information on budgeting on this Citizens Advice: Work out your budget (opens new window) page.

There are also different sources of financial help and benefits that might be claimed. The related pages on benefits and grants can help you to understand this.

Benefits and Grants

Nationally and within Wiltshire there is a range of options to support parent/carers with childcare.

Childcare Support

From the age of 11 it is legal for young people to open a bank account when supervised by a parent or guardian, if you would like to learn more about opening an account please visit the following page:

Opening a bank account

When you have a bank account you will need to start learning how to manage your money. For more information please visit:

Managing money

Carers providing unpaid support to a family member, partner, friend or neighbour may be entitled to financial support in the form of Carers allowance. To find out more please visit the following page:

Carers Allowance

A direct payment is a sum of money paid to a family instead of a provided service. The advantage of a direct payment is that a family can choose how to spend the money and can provide a more specific service for their young person. For more information please visit the following page:

Using direct payment

Many independent organisations offer support to help you understand what is available to you and how to access it, please visit the following page to find out more:

Advice and support

Local Offer home

Discover your local support in Wiltshire for families and young people with SEND, special needs and disabilities, from years 0 to 25. Services, advice and ways to feedback.

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