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Information and additional support for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments and Plans

Education, Health and Care Plans are a holistic way of support planning for children and young people with SEND, looking at the whole person, their strengths and interests as well as their needs and challenges. Solutions will focus on what is important to the person concerned, as well as capturing the views of their parents and carers.

A EHCP is the means by which specialist educational support is assessed, planned for and captured. Schools can offer additional support either individually or in small groups. The school SENCo will be able to describe what additional support is being given and how effective it is. Where further assessment is undertaken, with the involvement of specialist knowledge, additional or different provision will be described in a EHCP, setting out what support is required in order that desired outcomes may be met.

WATCH: What is an EHCP (opens new window)

Waiting/learning well statement

To read about the impact of the level demand on your SEND Services please visit: Waiting/learning well

Documents to help apply for an EHC assessment

After application

How decisions are made about EHCNAs, and EHCPs

To read about how decisions are made about EHCNA/EHCP, the people involved and how they ensure plans meet the needs of young people visit: EHCP Discussion and Decision Groups

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