EHCP 5 to 11
Information and additional support for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments and Plans
Education, Health and Care Plans are a holistic way of support planning for children and young people with SEND, looking at the whole person, their strengths and interests as well as their needs and challenges. Solutions will focus on what is important to the person concerned, as well as capturing the views of their parents and carers.
A EHCP is the means by which specialist educational support is assessed, planned for and captured. Schools can offer additional support either individually or in small groups. The school SENCo will be able to describe what additional support is being given and how effective it is. Where further assessment is undertaken, with the involvement of specialist knowledge, additional or different provision will be described in a EHCP, setting out what support is required in order that desired outcomes may be met.
WATCH: What is an EHCP (opens new window)
Waiting/learning well statement
To read about the impact of the level demand on your SEND Services please visit: Waiting/learning well
SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. It describes a wide spectrum of needs and challenges including how individuals communicate, learn and process information, behave and cope with social and emotional challenges; sensory difficulties, physical and medical conditions that affect life and learning. Because those affected by SEND need different levels of support from infrequent, flexible support to full-time care, it is important that they are at the centre of everything we do as we identify, assess and plan for support.
Special educational provision is help given to children with SEN as part of their EHCP. It can take many different forms, including group or individual work, or a personalised learning programme adapted to meet a child's specific needs. Read more about this provision in Education 5 to 11.
A SEND Lead worker is allocated to a child or young person with an EHCP. They will:
- act as a single point of contact for the child/ family
- keep practitioners focused on the child/ family
- empower the child/young person/ family to make decisions and be heard
- coordinate actions agreed by practitioners and the family and avoid potential duplication
Their level of involvement will vary according to the child or young person's needs but is likely to be particularly involved at important transition times. They will help to make sure things are being done in a timely way. Sometimes another professional will take the lead but the SEND Lead Worker can always be contacted to check what is happening. Their role may include:
- checking what other services/people are currently involved
- referring the child or young person and their family to other services as appropriate
- considering existing specialist assessments and ensuring further assessments are requested as needed
- attending reviews, Team around the Child (TAC) meeting, professionals meetings as appropriate
- arranging TACs as necessary
- supporting the child/young person/family to access information on the local offer
- discussing future options
- ensuring that a EHCP is written that supports your child to achieve specific outcomes
Documents to help apply for an EHC assessment
The Wiltshire SEND Support Plan is a document that can be used for children and young people with identified SEND, to plan outcome-focused and person-centred support, concentrating on individual needs and priorities. It has information about the child's needs and the support they are getting and should be written and reviewed with the parent carer and young person. It reflects the four-stage cycle of 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' and can help co-ordinate support if there are several professionals involved.
Not every child with SEND will require a SEND Support Plan. It is not a statutory document and some schools and settings will have their own approach to this level of support. As part of the request for a statutory EHC assessment, schools and settings are asked to provide examples of their approach to the assessment, planning, action and review of a child's needs and education goals.
Wiltshire SEND Support Plan (Word doc, 53 KB)(opens new window)
Here is some writing guidance for schools and early years settings that may help when completing the SEND Support Plan template:
Send Support Plan Guidance (OpenDocument text format, 42 KB)(opens new window)
How to apply for an EHC Needs Assessment
If you are the young person or the parent/carer
The young person, their parent or carers and other people who know the child/young person well, may request an EHC needs assessment in writing, by post or email.
We always recommend that you speak to the SENCo in your child's school or educational setting before you ask the local authority to consider a request to start a needs assessment. Although a parent carer or young person can request an assessment, where possible it is better that an educational setting makes the request. This is because they will have the evidence that they have used the graduated approach to SEN Support.
If you are considering requesting an EHC Needs Assessment, you should contact the SEND Team to discuss the request on 01225 712620. SEND Lead Workers can help and advise you on next steps.
The form below can be used by parents to request an assessment.
Parent/Carer request for an EHCNA – Wiltshire (OpenDocument text format, 44 KB)(opens new window)
The form below can be used by a young person aged 16 and under 25 to request an assessment.
You can also write to the SEND Team on how to request an assessment using these contact details:
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Service
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
Email: (opens new window)
Phone: 01225 712620
If you are a school or educational setting
Educational settings such as schools, in partnership with the young person and/or their parents or carers, can request an EHC Needs Assessment using the Wiltshire Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment request e-form and by adding relevant up-to-date evidence.
The e-form has a checklist for you to complete prior to starting the request.
EHC needs assessment request form for schools and settings
Schools and settings can request a PDF version of this form from the SEND Team if they are unable to use the electronic request form version. This form can be used to word-process a request as an alternative to the e-form. This form should only be used if an online application is not possible. The PDF version of the request form can be requested from the SEND team by phoning 01225 712620.
Such requests should be discussed at the review meeting as part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. Parent/carers and professionals involved in the support for the child/young person should be invited to the meeting.
In considering whether an assessment is necessary, the local authority must have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the child and the parent or the young person. Here is a guidance document with suggestions on how to gain the views of the child or young person as part of the assessment process. There is also a template that could be used with the child:
Please click the link below to access the template.
Information about me document (OpenDocument text format, 794 KB)(opens new window)
Please click below to access the guidance document
Guidance document (OpenDocument text format, 43 KB)(opens new window)
Once an EHC needs assessment is received
If you have submitted a request using the e-form, you will get an automatic receipt by email and a copy of the form. If you have submitted a word-processed form, a representative from the SEN Team will confirm receipt of the request.
The local authority has six weeks from receiving the request to decide whether to go ahead with the EHC needs assessment.
The request will be considered by the weekly Discussion and Decision Group Meeting.
We have made a walk-through video on how to complete the e-form for schools and settings to watch before making a request for an EHC needs assessment.
Here is a sheet that answers some common questions and queries about completing the EHCNA request e-form:
EHC FAQs (OpenDocument text format, 17 KB)(opens new window)
This is the parent or carer consent form which must be signed by the parent and uploaded as part of the submission. Schools and settings should ensure that the parent/carer is aware of the data protection statement and that this is giving consent to share information with other agencies as part of the decision-making process.
Parent or Carer consent form (OpenDocument text format, 770 KB)(opens new window)
The local authority must have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the child/young person in making the decision whether to agree to the needs assessment. Within the e-form, schools and settings have the option to upload their own document (such as a one-page profile) or they can complete the template below. The guidance document below also gives other ideas on how to gain the child's views.
Information about me (OpenDocument text format, 794 KB)(opens new window)
The local authority must also have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the parent/carer in making the decision whether to agree to the needs assessment for a school aged child. Within the e-form the school or setting has the option to complete a parent/carer sub-form, upload their own document (such as a letter from a parent or questionnaire) or they can complete the template below.
Parent carer views (OpenDocument text format, 12 KB)(opens new window)
A costed provision map is necessary as part of an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment request and as part of an annual review of an existing EHC plan. It is a detailed breakdown of costs which show how a school is following the graduated approach, provides a clear record of the provision that is in place for the individual child/young person and the costs involved.
SEND Individual Provision Map (Excel doc, 65 KB)(opens new window)
SEND Provision Map - Completed Example (Excel doc, 66 KB)(opens new window)
After application
How decisions are made about EHCNAs, and EHCPs
To read about how decisions are made about EHCNA/EHCP, the people involved and how they ensure plans meet the needs of young people visit: EHCP Discussion and Decision Groups
An EHC plan may be needed if your child or young person's needs cannot be met through the support they are currently getting in their mainstream educational setting. Your education setting will have done everything they can and your child or young person still requires additional support. It may be that, despite the support provided, your child or young person is not meeting goals in their learning or development, or that the progress they are making is due to significant levels of support.
If we decide to issue an EHC plan, we will notify you and young person and everyone who was notified of our decision to consider whether an EHC needs assessment is necessary. We will allow enough time to prepare the draft plan and issue the final plan within the 20-week time limit.
An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) sets out clearly the parent, child or young person's views and aspirations for the future. It includes information and advice from professionals from education, health or social care, who know or are working with the child or young person. It describes the child or young person's special educational needs and their strengths. It states the outcomes that the EHC plan will support them to achieve. It also sets out the support to be given to the child to achieve the outcomes that are written in the EHCP. It is a legal document that the education setting must follow. It is also important that the plan prepares the child or young person for adulthood.
If we decide not to issue an EHC plan, this means that it has been decided that the child's needs can be met by the ordinary available funding, provision and support within their mainstream educational setting. The SEND Lead Worker will contact the parent/carer as soon as possible and usually by phone, to let them know of this decision.
They will also issue a letter notifying the parent/carer or the young person, the education setting they attend and the health service, giving the reason for the decision. A copy of the statutory assessment papers will also be included.
If you are concerned about this decision and the support your child may receive without an EHC Plan, you can request a 'way forward' with a Local Authority representative to discuss and plan future support for the child or young person within the setting.
If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.
To find out about EHCP annual reviews and to access all the documents that support this process, please visit:
If you are a school, setting or professional, please refer to the guidance and forms that we have produced to support you in the annual review process by visiting: EHCP Annual Review Guidance Document 2023 (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)
Mediation and disagreement resolution arrangements exist to help resolve issues for children or young people with SEN, including those who are being assessed for or who have a EHCP, where the normal school or college complaints routes have not reached a satisfactory outcome. Meetings aim to resolve any disagreements in a quick, informal way using a third party mediator to help reach a satisfactory resolution. Read more on our Mediation and appeals page.
If your child is attending school, talk to their teacher, the SENCo (SEN Coordinator), or the head-teacher.
If your child has been identified as needing specialist provision, the health service will inform us as well as giving you information about support services.
If you would rather start the process yourself, you're not sure about your options or your child does not attend an educational setting please call the SEND Service.
For information about Wiltshire's SEND Service, call 01225 712620. Calls will be answered by one of our SEND Lead Workers. Lines are open every weekday from 9am-4.30pm excluding bank holidays. Outside these times you can leave a message and a SEND Leader will get back to you within 48 hours (excluding weekends).
If you require additional support when requesting an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment you can get impartial support and advice from Wiltshire Special Educational Needs Information, Advice and Support Service Family Action: Wiltshire SENDIASS (opens new window) or Wiltshire Parent Carer Council website (opens new window).
If a child is at imminent risk of harm or injury, please call the Police on 999. If the child is at risk of significant harm, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 456 0108 (out of hours Emergency Duty Service: 0300 456 0100).