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SEND Sustainability Plan

If you are looking for information about our new SEND Sustainability Plan see 'SEND sustainability plan'

Leisure for 5 to 11

Activities across Wiltshire, accessible to the SEND community.

Ability Sports

The Ability Sports programme provides opportunities for adults and young people with disabilities to access a sport of their choice. On the following page you can also find links to coaching and club development.

For more information please visit:

Ability Sports

Short breaks

Short breaks are accessible activities and leisure opportunities that children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can participate in. Wiltshire's Short Breaks Scheme, has been designed in consultation with parents and carers, it is open to children and young people aged 6 to 18 years old with an EHCP.

For how to apply and information about the scheme please visit:

Short Breaks

The Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) also hosts information on Short Breaks and publishes regular Short Breaks Bulletins (opens new window) about what is available and the application process.

More information about WPCC can be found on Leisure activities (opens new window) and Wiltshire Parent Carer Council: What's on (opens new window).

What's on in Wiltshire

Wiltshire Council has produced a new events app for residents and visitors across our county. You can search by location, date, time or event type. If interested visit: Wiltshire Events (opens new window)

Changing Places

Every day adults, children, and their carers struggle to access their community and local area because they are unable to use standard accessible toilet facilities - something that many of us take for granted. Wiltshire Council is committed to enabling everyone within the community access to our vibrant towns, services and local amenities. We are proud to support the national Changing Places (opens new window) campaign.

Changing Places facilities can be accessed by Radar key.

The Radar National Key enables access to disabled toilets for people with disabilities and can be purchased from Disability Rights UK (opens new window) and some tourist information points.

For further information please visit:

Changing Places facility (opens new window)

Wiltshire Council leisure centres

For information about Wiltshire leisure facilities and where they can be found please visit:

Wiltshire leisure centres

Many of the leisure sites have Changing Places facilities which can be accessed during opening hours. Information can be found above, in the Changing Places section on this page.

Full accessibility information about specific locations can be found on their Leisure and sport centres page.

Wiltshire libraries

Wiltshire has libraries across the county, including mobile spaces. There are many ways these services are adapted to improve access for those in the SEND community.

Find out more about library services for those with additional needs please visit:

SEND library services

You can also find more about library updates in our Latest news, like Multi-sensory stories for children and teenagers.

Full accessibility information about specific locations can be found on the Library locations, opening times and mobile libraries page.

Community events and activities

The following website provides a place to share activities with others or find things to do within the community.

Wiltshire Together

The digital platform that connects people, groups and organisations in Wiltshire to their community. You can list support, volunteering, groups and relevant events.

Wiltshire Together (opens new window)

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