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SEND Sustainability Plan

If you are looking for information about our new SEND Sustainability Plan see 'SEND sustainability plan'

Health (secondary)

Find out about health services on offer within Wiltshire for those in the SEND community.

If you are looking for other services that are not SEND specific visit MECC Link (opens new window) which signposts you to lots of Wiltshire health and wellbeing services in one place.

Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC)

Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) services perform a critical role in keeping the population healthy. The NHS responds to more than 110 million urgent calls or visits every year, so it is essential that the system works effectively.

Both urgent and emergency care services play a specific part in supporting patients to receive the right care, by the right person, as quickly as possible.

Early recognition

As young people develop they may need more support with certain activities or may develop slower in certain areas. It is important to discuss this with the health professionals that are regularly available like your GP or school nurses, they may suggest contacting one of the following teams. You may also want to look into the EHC assessmentswhich includes an Early Support Hub in its process.

Annual health checks 

People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This does not need to be the case. Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability. To read more information about the annual health checks for people with learning disabilities, and their family/carers visit: NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (ICB): Annual health checks (opens new window)NHS: Annual health checks -Learning disabilities (opens new window) or Mencap: Annual Health Checks (opens new window).

There are also a number of great videos that can help you understand what to expect:

Early support

It is hugely beneficial to get support as early as possible once a need has been identified. This helps a young person prepare for the next steps in their journey in life and learning in the best possible way.

Other supporting health services

Wiltshire Health and Care

Wiltshire Health and Care (WHC) is a partnership focused solely on delivering improved community services in Wiltshire. Their services include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • minor injuries
  • physiotherapy
  • wheelchair access
  • respiratory 
  • community hospitals

To find out more, visit: Wiltshire Health and Care: Our services (opens new window).

If you did not find what you are looking for please get in touch via our contact us page, feedback helps us improve our services and information.

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