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Social care 11 to 16

Who to talk to, and what social care support is available for young people in the SEND community.

Most children and young people with special needs and/or disabilities will use the services available to everyone in the community - children's centres, leisure centres, and doctors, for example. These are known as 'universal services'.

A small number of children and young people whose circumstances are complex, and who may not be able to live at home without special support, will require assessment by social care teams. Where children and young people are assessed as needing social care services, a Personal Budget will be devised. Families may choose to receive this as a direct payment to arrange their own support, or to opt for a Direct Service, where an accredited provider will arrange support.

Children and Young People Disability Team (CYPDT)

This service supports children and young people with a disability/multiple disabilities. They provide assessment for specialist services and overnight short breaks. 

For more information please visit:

Disabled Children's Social Work Team (CYPDT)

All Social Workers have a privileged role, with the opportunities to advocate for children and families and ensuring their voices are heard. But there is something special about witnessing the innocent joy and huge achievements of children who have additional needs and their incredible and resilient families.

To contact the team please use the 'Integrated Front Door' phone number 0300 456 0108 or email: (opens new window).

Assessment pathway

How support is delivered

Personal budget

A personal budget is the money Wiltshire Council allocates to an individual, having assessed their needs. An outcome based assessment establishes an approximate figure for how much the council would need to spend to meet those needs.

A personal social care budget is the money that can be made available if a child or young person is assessed as needing additional support at home or in their community. This assessment is carried out by a social care team.

Direct Payments versus Direct Service

Families can opt to receive their Personal Budget via a Direct Payment, or as a Direct Service.

A Direct Payment goes directly to the family, how this is used is up to the child or young person and their families. For more information, see: Using direct payment

Some families do not wish to receive a Direct Payment, preferring instead to use a Direct Service, where the council pays an agency to provide support in line with the assessed need. A support plan is sent to all accredited providers within Wiltshire and they tender to provide support.

Types of support available, including respite care

If a child or young person meets our assessment criteria, a package of support may be offered through accredited agencies, including:

If you already have a social worker they should assess and discuss with you the appropriate support. If you feel you need support and would like to have your needs assessed you can contact Wiltshire MASH via the phone on 0300 456 0108 or on email at (opens new window).

You can visit the following page for further support information:

Carer support

Other services available

The role of a social worker

A social worker's responsibilities include safeguarding looked-after children (LAC) and those with complex needs where a risk to wellbeing exists. When working with young people who have SEND, a social worker's role is primarily to make sure that child or young person can remain with their families with minimum intervention. It also involves overseeing the support they receive and working with them to build independence and resilience.

Where our family support panel decide to provide a Wiltshire Council service, a social worker will remain involved. They will review the package of support every six months to make sure it is meeting the child or young person's needs, and achieving the outcomes the family are looking for.

When a service is no longer needed the social worker's involvement will end. At this point our team will make sure a family has access to the universal and targeted sources of support that they need.

Using EHCPs

Social workers need to work across lots of areas of need and co-ordinate their support with multiple agencies. This means they have specific forms of assessment that need to be followed. They still pay close attention to the information in an EHCP. Currently, social workers are most likely to use an EHCP to support a young person during transition.

Moving in and out of county

If a family we are working with moves out of Wiltshire, we can refer them directly to their new authority and share the results of the assessment and plan developed in Wiltshire.

When a family moves into Wiltshire, we will generally request information from their previous authority and this will be used to inform our own assessment, once the family has arrived in Wiltshire. If we have enough notice, our team are able to plan for their support before they arrive.

For more information on moving in, out and admissions please visit:

Moving in or out of Wiltshire with an EHCP

If you think a child or young person is at risk of significant harm, or is injured, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub - MASH on 0300 456 0108. If there is immediate danger, phone the police or emergency services on 999. You can also contact the Children and Young People with Disabilities Team on  01225 713090 for specialist advice on services.

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