Information about Wiltshire-based services and education to support young adults with SEND to work and learn
Most of this information is relevant to those with SEND needs without an EHCP. If you do have an Education, Health and Care Plan (known as an EHCP) this will be reviewed annually. The plan may be ceased if your outcomes have been met, you no longer require support or you decide to move onto higher education.
From your year 9 review, you will be supported to think about your options after age 16, which could include education or employment after the age of 18. This will be discussed with you at your annual review, and you will be supported to think about what, you may like to do.
Post-16 Education settings
For more information about education provision in Wiltshire for young people aged 16 and above with special education needs or a disability visit Sixth form, colleges and universities for ages 16+.
Pioneer View talks to Tom about finding his job as a park warden: Watch what Thomas gets up to at work (opens new window)
Employment and training information
Wiltshire has a wide variety of ways to engage with further learning opportunities or get ready for a range of workplaces. Please visit the sections below to explore the options available:
Travel information for employment
In preparation for adulthood, it is expected that the majority of young people beyond the age of 16 will travel independently to their place of work. There will be a small number who, after travel training, require further assistance. A travel scheme called Access To Work is available, for more information on this you can visit the government website: Access to work (opens new window)
Help, and more information
The following section has a range of people you can talk to whom you can discuss your personal needs with.