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Social care 16+

Who to talk to and what social care support is available for young people in the SEND community.

Most children and young people with special needs and/or disabilities will use the services that are there for everyone in the community, for example leisure centres, doctors, etc. These are known as Universal Services.

A small number of children and young people, whose circumstances are complex and who may not be able to live at home without special support, will require assessment by social care teams. Where children and young people are assessed as needing social care services, families may choose to have a direct payment to arrange their own support.

Children and Young People Disability Team (CYPDT) 0 - 18

This service supports children and young people with a disability/multiple disabilities. They provide assessment for specialist services and overnight short breaks.

For more information please visit:

Disabled Children's Social Work Team (CYPDT)

All Social Workers have a privileged role, with the opportunities to advocate for children and families and ensuring their voices are heard. But there is something special about witnessing the innocent joy and huge achievements of children who have additional needs and their incredible and resilient families.

To contact the team please use the 'Integrated Front Door' phone number 0300 456 0108 or email: (opens new window).

Learning Disability and Autism Service (18+)

The Learning Disability and Autism Service (LDAS) is an adult social care service.

They work with adults (aged 18 and over) who have a diagnosed learning disability and/or an Autistic Spectrum Condition who have social care needs.

Their work includes: Care Act Assessments, Information, Advice, Signposting and Support Planning.

For more information visit their page: 

Learning Disability and Autism Service

Assessment pathway

Key services and further information 

If you think a child or young person is at risk of significant harm, or is injured, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub - MASH on 0300 456 0108. If there is immediate danger, phone the police or emergency services on 999. You can also contact the Children and Young People with Disabilities Team on 01225 713090 for specialist advice on services.

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