Wiltshire's Independent Advocacy service for adults over the age of 18 is provided by The Advocacy People.
The service covers the following:
- To ensure children and young people's views are heard at Initial Child Protection Conferences
- Review Child Protection Conferences for children and young people who remain subject to a Plan for more than 12 month plans
- Core Group meetings for children and young people who remain subject to a Plan for more than 12 months
- Issue-based advocacy for looked after children, young people and care leaver
- Privately fostered CIN children and young people (Children in Need)
- Children and young people with disabilities accessing overnight Short Breaks
- Children and young people in receipt of social care services or health services who are seeking to make a complaint
Webpage: The Advocacy People (opens new window)
Tel: 0330 440 9000
Email: info@theadvocacypeople.org.uk (opens new window)