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SEND Sustainability Plan

If you are looking for information about our new SEND Sustainability Plan see 'SEND sustainability plan'

Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool Questionnaire

Published 9 March 2022
Wiltshire White Horse

We want to hear from our parents and carers of young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)  to find out their views on the support available and to inform future developments

We have been working with an organisation called 'In Control' to put together a questionnaire to find out about how the support made available through EHCP helps children and young people in Wiltshire. The questionnaires are called 'POET' which stands for Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool.

There are three questionnaires available:

Parent / carer questionnaire (opens new window)

Young person questionnaire (opens new window)

Practitioner questionnaire (opens new window)

We are hoping that as many questionnaires as possible can be completed in March and April of this year. Locally, we will use the results of this survey to monitor how we are doing and how we can make improvements. The information you give us will also be used in a national report to help improve the way things are done for others in England.

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