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SEND Sustainability Plan

If you are looking for information about our new SEND Sustainability Plan see 'SEND sustainability plan'

WPCC Wiltshire Short Breaks Bulletin

Wiltshire Parent Carer Council Short breaks child with headphones on holding a pad with an adult sat next to them, both are smiling

How to use the Short Breaks Bulletin

Activities listed may be for a specific age range or groups of children based on needs.

Some activities are specifically run for children/young people with SEND, but there are also a number of activities that are inclusive of SEND and the organiser has requested that you contact before booking to discuss your child/young person's needs/requirements to ensure they can be appropriately accommodated.

Most of the activities included will be face-to-face sessions, but there are also some online activities for those who struggle to access these.

To read the bulletin see Wiltshire Parent Carer Council: Short Breaks Bulletin (opens new window).

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