Who to talk to about SEND educational placements in Wiltshire when you have an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). Information and links for professionals and parents.
Moving into Wiltshire
For parents we are about to welcome into our county it is always important you let your local authority know you are leaving them. They should then get in touch with the relevant educational team to hand over any required information.
For local authority staff looking to contact with documentation for SEND movers in please use the following:
For children and YP already holding EHCPs contact EHCPNorthteam@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).
For those currently under assessment contact EHCPNorthteam@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).
Information to share when you contact the SEND team:
- which Local Authority you are moving from
- child and parent/carer details
- current address (address you were/are at before you move to Wiltshire)
- new address (address of where you will be living in Wiltshire)
- proposed move date
This will help the team request the right documents from your original Local Authority and begin the transfer process.
Moving out of Wiltshire
If you are moving away from the county, please let us know about any children in your care needing to transfer educational establishment.
You can email the team in charge of outgoing handovers by emailing statutorysen.service@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).
Advice on the process can be found by visiting:
For further advice, urgent help with a SEND matter or you do not have access to emails you can contact the SEND Service.
Contacting the Wiltshire SEND team
Support in a nearby County
You may wish to find information about a provision that is outside of Wiltshire, as every county has a Local Offer this would be the first place to start looking. Here are some links to our neighbours Local Offers (LO): BANES: Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) Local Offer (opens new window), Somerset Council: Somerset's SEND Local Offer (opens new window), Dorset Council: Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Local Offer (opens new window), Swindon Borough Council: Swindon Local Offer (opens new window), Hampshire County Council: Hampshire's Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (opens new window), Glosfamilies: Support for Families with SEND - Gloucestershire's Local Offer for Parent & Carers (opens new window).
General admission information
If you are not looking specifically for special educational needs schools or disability school information can be found via the links listed below.
Most of the forms and information about Wiltshire school's applications can be found via the parent portal.
Parent Portal (opens new window)
Further information about general school admissions:
For general Wiltshire schools admissions please contact:
- Phone: 01225 713010
- Email: admissions@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window)
If you would like to feedback on the process or if you are still not finding the information you require, please let us know. Contact options for feedback can be found by visiting: