The government has released information on a new SEND improvement plan for children and young people with SEND.
The government published its plans to reform support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in England during March 2023.
The SEND Improvement plan includes investment in training for thousands of workers so children can get the help they need earlier. This comes alongside thousands of additional specialist school places for those with the greatest needs.
The plan will be underpinned by new national SEND and AP (alternative provision) standards in order to reduce the postcode lottery that currently exists in the SEND support system. To improve parents' and carers' experiences of accessing support, the plan aims to cut local bureaucracy. The process for assessing needs through Education Health and Care (EHC) plans will be digital-first, quicker and simpler wherever possible.
To read more about the impact of the plan and government comments please visit GOV.UK: Press release - Transformational reform begins for children and young people with SEND (opens new window).
To read the full document you can visit GOV.UK: Policy paper - SEND and alternative provision improvement plan (opens new window).