Information about where to go for support with medical needs.
Age Sections
Age specific buttons are at the bottom of the page. We have changed sections to make pages easier to navigate.
Early recognition
As young people develop they may need more support with certain activities or may develop slower in certain areas. It is important to discuss this with the health professionals that are regularly available like GPs, HCRG Care Group: Health Visiting (0 – 4 Years) (opens new window) or School Age Health Service (opens new window).
The Neurodevelopmental Pathway
We provide an assessment-only service for children and young people who are showing possible signs of autism and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We also support children and young people who are on ADHD medication reviews. Our service covers Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) and Wiltshire.
We are a team of Neurodevelopmental Practitioners including, a Clinical Psychologist, Consultant Community Paediatricians, Specialist Speech and Language Therapists and Specialists Nurses. We also have a team of Care Navigators who will support you during the assessment pathway. We all have experience of working with neurodivergent children and young people.
To find out more visit: HCRG Care Group: Neurodevelopmental Pathway(opens new window) or watch: HCRG: The steps of the Neurodevelopmental Pathway(opens new window)
Annual health checks
People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This does not need to be the case. Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability. To read more information about the annual health checks for people with learning disabilities, and their family/carers visit: Annual health checks - Wiltshire ICB (opens new window), NHS: Annual health checks -Learning disabilities (opens new window) or Mencap: Annual Health Checks (opens new window).
There are also a number of great videos that can help you understand what to expect:
- YouTube: Harshi’s learning disability annual health check and health action plan (opens new window)
- YouTube: Annual Health Checks for people with learning disabilities (opens new window)
- YouTube: Why health checks are important for people with learning disabilities (opens new window)
Who to talk to about accessing health services
For information about patient advice and liaison services visit: Advice and support accessing health services
Please do suggest any improvements to our website, we are always working to improve this resource for our community, visit Submit feedback or get in touch: (opens new window)