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Disabled Children's Social Work Team (CYPDT)

The Children and Young People's Disability Team (CYPDT) is part of Wiltshire Council's Support and Safeguarding Service. The team is made up of social workers, occupational therapists, family key workers, personal advisors, business support and finance officers. The team works with children and young adults who have complex health needs or moderate to severe learning disabilities. The threshold information below sets out the eligibility criteria for children and young people to receive an assessment and services from the CYPDT.

The Children and Young People's Disability Team (CYPDT) is statutory service that focuses on the most vulnerable disabled children and young people in Wiltshire aged 0 to 25. It follows the social model of disability that challenges and seeks to support children and young people with disabilities to reach their full potential: enabling all children and young people to be included in their communities having access to opportunities in a way that minimises the impact of their disability.

Potential support that children can be signposted to within the community include an Early Support Assessment (ESA) with an identified lead professional. Short Breaks through Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC), Barnardo activities, child minding etc.

The team assess the needs of children and young people with disabilities and then offer support and services in line with their assessment including, where appropriate, a personal budget (a direct payment or direct provision of services). A review of the assessment and support plan is reviewed at regular intervals to ensure outcomes are being achieved or if there are any change in the child or young person's circumstances.

The criteria for CYPDT are; learning disability, physical disability and children and young people with a diagnosed life limiting or serious health condition that impacts significantly on their development and day to day functioning.

All Social Workers have a privileged role, with the opportunities to advocate for children and families and ensuring their voices are heard. But there is something special about witnessing the innocent joy and huge achievements of children who have additional needs and their incredible and resilient families.

To contact the team, use the 'Integrated Front Door' phone number 0300 456 0108 or email: (opens new window).

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