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SEND services reviews and strategies

This page contains information about the effectiveness of provision for SEND in Wiltshire and Wiltshire Councils strategic SEND plans.

Provision for those with special educational needs and disabilities in Wiltshire is regularly evaluated, the results from these reviews are a part of the process that informs the future strategies to improve services. You can also share your personal reviews of the services you interact with, details on how to do this can be found by visiting, Getting involved.

Downlands student using electronic white board
Student with Teaching Assistant
Exeter House student learning music
Silverwood students using assistive equipment
Bag Books, Multi-Sensory Stories - a picture of the multi-sensory items that come with one of the stories: a gold record, a violin, a drum and stick, a maraca, coffee aroma, a microphone, a toy mixing console, a tie, a CD, and a hand clapper.

Wiltshire SEND Strategy

The following document sets out all the areas Wiltshire Council aims to improve and how it expects to act for those in the SEND community until 2024.

Wiltshire SEND Transformation Programme

The SEND Transformation Programme brings together all of the improvements that Wiltshire Council is making for children and young people with SEND. 

For more information visit: Wiltshire SEND Transformation Programme

Special school and resource base development projects

Wiltshire Council is working with our local schools to increase the number of special school and resource base places available in Wiltshire to meet growing demand for specialist SEN school places. To read more about this topic visit SEN Place Projects

Local Offer Annual Report

Information about how the Wiltshire Local Offer has developed and responded to comments.

Local Offer Annual Report 2023

Ofsted - is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) joint inspections of the local area of Wiltshire to judge the effectiveness of the area in implementing the disability and special educational needs reforms as set out in the Children and Families Act 2014.

Inspection dates: 14 to 18th October 2024

Ofsted Wiltshire Council (opens new window)

School Ofsted Judgements March 2023 Children's Select Committee (opens new window)

ILACS - Inspection of Local Authority Childrens Services

To read more about what this inspection type please visit the GOV.UK: Guidance - Inspecting local authority children’s services (opens new window).

Inspection dates: 25 September 2023 to 29 September 2023

Ofsted Wiltshire Council (opens new window)

HCRG - Health Care Resourcing Group Quality of Care Inspection

This report describes the judgement of the quality of care at this service. It is based on a combination of what was found when inspected, information from the ongoing monitoring of data about services and information given by the provider, patients, the public and other organisations.

Date of inspection visit: 18 and 19 October 2022

Care Quality Commission: COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE SERVICE - Technology House (opens new window)

JSNA - Joint Service Needs Assessment

A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a statutory document produced for the local Health and Wellbeing Board to support the production of a joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. These documents provide a critical resource to enable evidence-based planning for local services, with the aim of improving health and wellbeing outcomes and reducing inequalities.

For information specific to SEN you can find this under education and employment. The report also covers health, population, housing and other areas.

To read the full report including the SEN specific findings please visit Wiltshire Intelligence: Education and employment (opens new window).

Designated Clinical Officer annual report

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the role and responsibilities of the Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) for Special Educational Needs and / or Disability (SEND) working at NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board (ICB). It will identify some of the work undertaken over the last 12 months and describe plans and aspirations for the next 12 months.

For the full report please visit: DCO for Special Educational Needs and / or Disability (SEND) annual report ( (opens new window)

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