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Wiltshire SEND education guide

SEND Education Guide Introduction

This guide lists the educational settings and opportunities we expect to be available for Wiltshire school aged learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

First published date: 06/ 2024 | Review date: 09/2025

The information in this guide has been provided by education settings and educational services. The intention is to make understanding the education offer in Wiltshire as simple and accessible as possible. It will be continuously updated. Subsequent editions of this guide will incorporate information on post-16 provisions, additional images, updates from educational settings, and standardisation of category headings into similar formats.

If you are a school or setting that wishes to update information please email (opens new window). If you are supplying images we can host up to 5 images as a gallery. The images need to be landscape orientation and as high resolution as possible. Please also confirm you have permissions from anybody featured in the images should we need to request them.

You can also find further education information by visiting the relevant pages of the Wiltshire Local Offer:

Education 5 to 11

Education 11 to 16

Throughout this guide you will see reference to schools sorted by North, South, East and West, we have set it out this way to echo the way the SEND Service operates. If you have an EHCP each area will have a designated team familiar with you and your school. To find out more visit: Contacting the Wiltshire SEND team

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