Wiltshire SEND education guide
- SEND Education Guide Introduction
- 1: Support in schools
- 2: Admissions for SEND placements
- 3: Mainstream provision
- 4: Early Years provision
- 5: Primary School Resource Bases
- 6: Secondary School Resource Bases
- 7: Specialist Schools
- 8: Other educational provision
- 9: Post 16 education provision
- 10: SEN place development projects
- 11: SEN school transport
6: Secondary School Resource Bases
Wiltshire Council have a programme to develop a range of Resource Base Provision (RBP). A specialist resource provision enables children and young people with SEND to attend a mainstream school whilst having access to specialist provision. The Local Authority agrees placement in these settings.
Below is a brief outline of the designation of the resource bases we have established in Wiltshire in Phase 1 of this programme.
Name of school | Designation | Location |
Clarendon Academy | Cognition and Learning Needs | West, Trowbridge |
John of Gaunt School | Communication and Interaction Needs | West, Trowbridge |
Sheldon School | Hearing Impairment | North, Chippenham |
In Phase 2 of the programme, Wiltshire Council are developing further RBPs in secondary schools in the South, East and North of the county.
We will update this page as soon as these RBPs are announced.
SEND Service North
Sheldon school encompasses a long-established provision for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
What is offered in the curriculum
The school adopts an auditory/oral approach with pupils taught in mainstream classes alongside their hearing peers where they receive high quality teaching by subject specialists. The Resource Base offers up to 10 Local Authority funded places for students with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) for their sensory needs (hearing). These students access specialist support from the Resource Base Manager/Qualified Teacher of the Deaf. This includes the overseeing of specialist hearing equipment and delivering appropriate intervention schemes, i.e. speech and language input.
All teaching and support staff are given specialist training on how to accommodate for the needs of deaf students in the classroom and around school. There is a strong emphasis on the whole school community being 'deaf aware' with regular assemblies and tutor work which underpins our commitment to inclusion.
What additional support is provided
- Amplification in the classroom. Sheldon is unique in that every classroom across the campus has a soundfield system installed. Soundfield transmits the frequencies of speech with clarity and at equal volume around the room.
- Classrooms also benefit from acoustic treatment to reduce background noise, this significantly improves the listening environment.
- Regular social opportunities are provided for our deaf/hard of hearing students, with older members of the school acting as role models for the younger pupils. Students form positive relationships with their deaf peers.
- We organise events to promote social interaction and explore deaf identity. This is in conjunction with a Local Authority Advisory Teacher of the Deaf who also has a caseload of students within our school.
How are pupils prepared for adulthood
The support provided is a culmination of working partnerships between students, teaching and pastoral staff, parents, the local authority, neighbouring schools/colleges and outside agencies. We pride ourselves on regular and effective communication. Students benefit from an enhanced transition programme when coming into Year 7 and moving on to our Sixth Form or Post-16 Colleges. Every effort is made to ensure that our students are fully integrated and reaching their potential.
To find out more information about Sheldon School, please visit the website: Sheldon School, Chippenham (Secondary): SEND (opens new window).
SEND Service West
Clarendon Academy is a co-educational 11-18 comprehensive secondary school in Trowbridge and is part of the Acorn Education Trust which prides itself on its inclusivity. Every decision at every level is made "through the lens" of students who have SEND or are disadvantaged. The specialist resource base (RB) within the school opened in September 2023 and is designated as a provision for young people with an EHCP for cognition and learning (C&L) needs who, without such provision would be unable to access a mainstream curriculum. It is resourced to meet up to 10 young people with C&L needs in 2023/24. This will increase to up to 20 places over time.
What is provided within the specialist learning environment
The RBP is currently located within the main school site in a temporary location. In development is a permanent suite of rooms on site which are purpose designed to offer creative working space to meet the needs of students with complex C&L needs. All areas are fully accessible. We offer a nurturing, supportive, small group setting alongside everything that secondary education at Clarendon Academy has to offer.
What is offered in the curriculum
Clarendon Academy is highly aspirational for all students. As such, in the RB, we follow the school's main curriculum which establishes joy, interest and a love of learning. The method of teaching is adaptive and has particular focus on honing literacy and numeracy. The curriculum considers the student's interests and strengths. Assessment is both formal and informal which helps us to target learning Shared break times are seen as learning opportunities for the students to develop their social skills. The base also offers opportunities for inclusion in the life of the school, maximising independence and fostering belonging.
What additional support is provided
Our purpose in the RB is to increase access to the core curriculum. Within the RB, teachers are supported by well-trained TAs to deliver lessons which further both knowledge and skills. The balance of time spent within mainstream classes and within the base provision setting is flexible and is targeted according to the individual needs of each student. The RB team works closely with Clarendon Academy staff to manage integration within the main school. Moreover, students work towards their EHCP outcomes, through a variety of programmes and interventions as directed by the RB staff and with advisory support from visiting school support professionals. This includes therapists, educational psychologists, specialist teachers from the Local Authority. The RB also benefits from specialist outreach advice from local special schools. Pastoral care is integral to Clarendon's school offer. All students have a tutor and head of house, access the rewards scheme and extra-curricular offer alongside more bespoke support from the RB team for transition especially.
How are pupils prepared for adulthood
Pupils are expected to access the GCSE accreditation offered as part of mainstream setting. We also focus on life skills, with the aim of progression through to employment, further education or training.
To find out more information about Clarendon School, please visit the website: Clarendon Academy (opens new window).
The John of Gaunt School is a co-educational 11-18 comprehensive secondary school in Trowbridge and is part of the Equa Academy Trust. The specialist resource base provision (RBP) within the school opened in September 2023 and is designated as a provision for young people with an EHCP for communication and interaction needs (including autism) who, without such provision would be unable to access a mainstream curriculum. It is resourced to meet up to 10 young people in 2023/24. This will increase to up to 20 places over time.
What we provide within the specialist learning environment
The RBP is currently located in a temporary location within the school campus. In development is a permanent suite of rooms, set to open by September 2024. The environment is structured to be welcoming, communication friendly and inclusive. The current Resource Base comprises of two teaching rooms, a breakout space and a garden area. The base provides a small group, nurturing environment which also allows students to benefit from opportunities within the mainstream setting.
What is offered in the curriculum
We see all learners and potential learners as of equal value and as individuals, irrespective of ability, race, gender or need. This is reflected in the school's organisation and curriculum structure, its assessment and rewards systems, arrangements for careers' education and work experience. Students with SEN/D are integrated and included fully into the life of the school as a whole, including its cultural and social activities. Within the Resource base we follow the mainstream curriculum for core subjects as appropriate to each student's ability. Students have individualised timetables to ensure support is provided to meet outcomes set out in their EHCP. Students are able to access a broader range of subjects through supported integration into some mainstream lessons.
Additional support is provided
The aim is for students to spend an increasing proportion of their time in mainstream classes, following the mainstream curriculum and attend classes with specialist teaching assistants where appropriate. The balance of time spent within mainstream classes and within the base provision setting is flexible and is targeted according to the individual needs of each student. The resource base specialist team works closely with The John of Gaunt staff to manage integration within the main school.
All students work towards their EHCP outcomes, through a variety of programmes and interventions as directed by the RBP staff and with advisory support from visiting school support professionals. This includes therapists, educational psychologists, specialist teachers, Emotional Literacy Teaching Assistants, Higher Level Teaching Assistants, Forest School leaders and Thrive practitioners. The RBP also benefits from specialist outreach advice from local special schools.
How we prepare pupils for adulthood
Pupils are expected to access the GCSE accreditation offered as part of mainstream setting.
We also focus on life skills; developing independence, life in the community, social and communication skills, employability with an aim to move people on to their goals. They can progress through to employment, further education courses or training opportunities.
To find out more information about The John of Gaunt School, please visit our website: The John Of Gaunt School (opens new window).