Wiltshire SEND education guide
- SEND Education Guide Introduction
- 1: Support in schools
- 2: Admissions for SEND placements
- 3: Mainstream provision
- 4: Early Years provision
- 5: Primary School Resource Bases
- 6: Secondary School Resource Bases
- 7: Specialist Schools
- 8: Other educational provision
- 9: Post 16 education provision
- 10: SEN place development projects
- 11: SEN school transport
7: Specialist Schools
Specialist Schools are the place where young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities get tailored support from specialist teachers.
Name of school | Designation | Location |
Silverwood School | Complex Needs. | North, Rowde/ Chippenham/ Trowbridge |
The Springfields Academy | ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder. SLCN - Speech, language and communication | North, Calne |
Downlands School | SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health, ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder. | East, Devizes |
Downlands Hub | SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty, ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder. | East, Devizes |
Exeter House | SLCN - Speech, language and Communication and ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder. | South, Salisbury |
Salisbury Academy for Inspirational Learning (SAIL) | ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health. | South, Salisbury |
SEND Service North
Silverwood School is a co-educational special school for children and young people aged 4-19 years.
We are a happy, thriving and successful community where every child and young person's uniqueness is recognised and successes are celebrated. Our pupils have a wide range of different needs and we provide a supportive, inclusive and vibrant learning environment which allows everyone to achieve their full potential and our vision of 'Building Community, Inspiring Learning'. We are proud to be recognised as an Ofsted 'Good' school that holds the Enhanced Values Based Education (VBE) Quality Mark.
I have noticed a huge improvement in my sons abilities since he started Silverwood, hugely impressed with the school and its staff.
What is the Curriculum Offer?
At Silverwood School we are passionate about delivering a creative and diverse curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils ensuring they are successful in their lives, both in the school community and beyond. Our ambitious curriculum is underpinned by a fundamental belief in our Silverwood values.
EYFS Curriculum
An inclusive, active exploratory learning environment where pupils can develop communication skills, play skills, self-help skills, pre-phonics and their attention and concentration skills.
Pre-Formal Curriculum
This is for pupils who have profound and complex needs. It is designed to meet the needs of the pupils through a personalised and adapted approach, offering flexibility in order to be responsive to the need of the individual learner.
Semi-Formal Curriculum
This is delivered through a thematic based approach and recognises the range of complex needs of our learners as well as learning difficulties. The bespoke curriculum is designed to be ambitious, fun, engaging, practical and meaningful to match pupils' learning and development needs.
Formal Curriculum
Consisting of adapted National Curriculum subjects combining life skills, learning outside the classroom and creative subjects. Accessed by our more cognitively able pupils, this framework is modified in line with pupil's developmental level and additional needs. It goes beyond academic and focuses on developing skills for life.
Post 16 Curriculum Pathway
Designed to offer a challenging and purposeful next step in education for learners with PMLD and SLD. It promotes pupil voice, advocacy and meaningful choice through a total communication approach. Accreditation includes ASDAN and Duke of Edinburgh.
For more information about our curriculum offer see Silverwood School: Curriculum Intent (opens new window).
SEND Consultancy
Silverwood support for other settings includes training about SEND, support for schools to find bespoke strategies for individual pupils, consultancy advice about SEND practice, and professional mentoring and coaching. For more information see Silverwood School: SEN Improvement Specialists (opens new window)
We also provide Alternative Provision for pupils from mainstream schools through our Silverwood Plus Programme. For more information about this see Silverwood School: Silverwood Plus Program (opens new window).
Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC)
LOTC is integral to our curriculum. Pupils benefit from Community LOTC - visits into the wider community to enrich learning and develop life skills, Within Subject/Theme LOTC - learning that is enhanced by using outside spaces, and Silverwood Outdoor Learning - discrete LOTC sessions focused on personal development and VBE in outdoor environments.
Total Communication
We respect how all of our pupils communicate and recognise that communication underpins every pupil's social, emotional and educational development. Our total communication approach is about finding and using the right combination of communication methods for each pupil. This helps pupils form connections, ensures successful interactions and supports information exchanges and conversations.
Values Based Education (VBE) at Silverwood School
We place our shared values at the heart of everything we do. Our values are principles that guide all our actions, decisions and relationships. At Silverwood School we have chosen cooperation, courage, honesty, perseverance, respect and kindnesses. VBE goes beyond learning what our values mean; it encompasses living and experiencing our values every day.
How are pupils prepared for adulthood?
Each pupil's journey into adulthood looks different and is unique. Our pathways are supported by a clear understanding of wider opportunities beyond Silverwood. The Annual review of EHCP outcomes and pupil voice provide opportunities for personalisation and is a celebration of the individual child and for ambitious goals. The curriculum is based on the four Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) outcomes and guides and supports decisions relating to post school planning on employment, health, independent living and community participation.
We would welcome you visiting our website to find out more about our school:
Silverwood School (opens new window)
For more information on the admissions process see Silverwood School: School Admissions (opens new window) or email admin@silverwood.wilts.sch.uk (opens new window).
H is very happy at Silverwood School so if H is happy, we as parents are also happy. Thank you to all, for all your devotion and care to all the children.
Silverwood student in sensory time
Silverwood student in sensory time
Image Gallery
Student Reading
Student Reading
Image Gallery
The Springfields Academy builds safe, independent lives through support, understanding and enablement. The Springfields Academy is a special school in Calne, Wiltshire for autistic pupils and pupils with speech, language and communication needs. We are an all-through school, supporting 250 learners from ages 4-19 to build safe, independent lives. We are proud to be recognised as an Ofsted 'Good' school that holds the NAS Advanced Specialist Award.
- To see our school in action please view our school video by visiting: YouTube: Introduction to Springfield (opens new window)
- You can read our Ofsted report and our NAS report by visiting: The Springfields Academy: Self-evaluation and Ofsted reports (opens new window)
- Visit our school calendar to see what's on by visiting: The Springfields Academy: Calendar & events (opens new window)
- Find out about our fantastic learning: The Springfields Academy: Celebration Newsletters (opens new window)
The Springfields Therapy Offer
Our Therapy first culture lays the foundation lays the foundation for all our pupils to learn. Our Therapy Team implement our tiers of therapeutic support in Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language and Wellbeing. They detail our whole school and class approaches, group and individual therapy. For more information about our Therapy Team visit: The Springfields Academy: Therapy at Springfields (opens new window)
I have found the staff to be very caring and supportive. They want what is best for each child and work hard to bring out their best.
The Curriculum Offer
At Springfields we offer three Curriculum Pathways:
Adventurers EYFS Curriculum: When children join us at age 4 they join our Adventurers EYFS provision. We deliver an Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum that is accessible, engaging and effective for our autistic learners. By creating this, we will ensure a positive start to Springfields life for our youngest learners, building strong foundations and the stepping-stones needed for our children to lead safe, independent lives. At Springfields Academy the children are at the forefront of everything we do. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we endeavour to provide the children with an excellent learning experience where all children are able to flourish, grow and progress to the best of their abilities. We take a holistic approach, embracing the children interests and ensuring that sensory needs are met through the learning opportunities provided.
For more information about our Adventurers EYFS Curriculum follow this link: The Springfields Academy: Adventurers - EYFS (opens new window)
For more information about our curriculum offers please visit: The Springfields Academy: Our curriculum pathways (opens new window)
Discovery Curriculum - semi - formal Pathway. This Curriculum Pathway is a sensory and developmental curriculum, aimed at learners that are in the very early stages of learning and development. Discovery learners work consistently below the National Curriculum, with aspiration to work towards end of KS1 expectations by the end of KS4/5.
For more information see The Springfields Academy: Curriculum overview (Discovery) (opens new window).
Explorer/Pathfinder Curriculum - adapted National Curriculum Pathway. This Pathway is aimed at learners that are able to work within the national curriculum and EYFS Framework.
- Children in KS1 should be able to access the EYFS Framework
- Children in KS2 should be able to access the KS1 National Curriculum
- Children in KS3 are able to access the KS1/KS2 National Curriculum
- Children in KS4 are able to access the KS2/3 National Curriculum
All KS4 learners can accredit at Entry Level, many accredit in Level 1 qualifications (e.g. Functional Skills), some may accredit at Level 2 (e.g. GCSE, grades 1-4). Explorer/Pathfinder learners should be able to access a class of 10 pupils with the support of a teacher (and where required an Autism Support Worker), small group and individualised interventions as well as therapeutic enablement programs.
For more information about our Explorer Curriculum see The Springfields Academy: Curriculum overview (explorer - pathfinder) (opens new window).
Springfields has all of the right environmental factors and curriculum needs, that also takes into account any adaptations needed to allow him to access his learning.
I am able to contact my daughter's teacher directly through class dojo if I need anything or have any concerns about her. We are regularly sent photos through dojo showing the activities our daughter has participated in throughout the day.
Our Autism Enablement approaches
Springfields' approach to autism enablement is based on the social model of support, removing barriers to enable our learners to thrive. Pupils benefit from an autism friendly environment and sensory support strategies where the TEACCH principles are embedded throughout our environment at whole school, class and individual level (as required). Our learning pedagogy ensures that pupils have the opportunity to retrieve/recap information, develop key vocabulary and learn key concepts in a variety of ways using our 7 Steps to Lesson Success Model, to find out more visit: The Springfields Academy: Curriculum overview (explorer - pathfinder) (opens new window).
As well as experiencing a Total Communication Environment, specific speech and language approaches are embedded into our teaching such as Attention Autism, shape coding, word aware, sensory stories, task cards and graphical organisers. In addition, our Discovery learners benefit from Intensive Interaction, Identiplay, PECs, Communication boards and aids and follow the SCERTS communication curriculum for more information please click here. For further information on our autism approach visit: The Springfields Academy: Autism (opens new window).
They adapt the learning to incorporate practical and visual learning. They really understand that our children can achieve.
Classes structure
- Primary and Secondary pupils up to Year 8 benefit from a 'core class' approach with consistent staff members. We find this approach helps pupils to have a sense of belonging and reduces transitions, which may cause anxiety. These pupils move to Physical and Sensory sessions discretely.
- Pupils in Year 9/10 benefit from a 'core class' approach, with limited transitions to their chosen Pathway and Physical and Sensory sessions.
- Pupils in Year 10/11 can access a subject specific classes having built up the self-reliance skills to transition and organise themselves during their Springfields journey.
We love Springfields 'hands on' approach to learning, as this has really helped our daughter to learn through experience, rather than just sitting at a desk to learn.
Preparation for adulthood
We appreciate that every child's developmental journey to adulthood is unique. Our curriculum has a specific Personal Development focus which helps our pupils develop the knowledge and skills to inform post-school planning regards employment, independent living, community inclusion and health. The Annual Review of EHCPs encompasses a personal centred 'My Life, My Way' PATHs approach to planning provision and pupils' next steps. All pupils access an accredited 'Life and Living' program personalised to their needs and we aspire that pupils achieve Duke of Edinburgh Award and qualifications in first aid, travel training and health.
Because of this provision I am hopeful that my child will be able to live a positive, safe and potentially independent life as an adult which is honestly something I feared could never happen before. The staff are outstanding and we couldn't be more confident with the support they provide for our child.
For more information about admissions to Springfields please visit: The Springfields Academy: Admissions and transitions (opens new window), or email admissions@springfieldsacademy.org (opens new window).
SEND Service East
Downland School is a co-educational special school for pupils aged 10 to 16. Pupils join us with a wide range of different needs and we provide an inclusive and supportive learning environment which allows everyone to achieve their best. We want our pupils to leave us as self-confident individuals who are ready to embrace their future and the wider world independently and with confidence.
Downlands student using electronic white board
Downlands student using electronic white board
Image Gallery
Our core aim is to ensure our pupils are focused on learning and developing personal skills and qualities that allow them to reach their full potential. We celebrate success, focus on reward and promote engagement.
Our school is staffed by a dedicated team of qualified teachers, teaching assistants and support staff. All are skilled practitioners who work hard to develop and deliver our curriculum and ensure that all aspects of our pupils' needs are met. Additionally, we invest in on-site therapy to promote and secure mental health wellbeing for all.
Our curriculum offer
At Downland School, we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired in KS2. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum at each Key Stage and those of external examination bodies. It also provides opportunities for other experiences which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school.
The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education or employment. Pupils leave our school and transition to mainstream colleges, apprenticeships or employment.
Our philosophy is to provide a holistic and individualised approach, designed and tailored to support pupils to fulfil their full potential. Staff place high expectations and aspiration at the heart of their delivery and are consistently challenging both pupils and themselves in order to overcome barriers to success and provide pupils with the tools they require to succeed in all areas of development.
Our school motto is:
Aspire, Achieve, Thrive
Golden Threads running through all subjects are:
- Engagement - our core purpose is to re-engage pupils in learning thus allowing them to develop both emotionally and academically.
- Literacy development, with a focus on reading: our aim is to ensure all pupils leave with a minimum of functional level literacy.
- Emotional development with a focus on: self-regulation; managing and sustaining relationships; building self-esteem; resilience and communication. This includes understanding your place within society and the influence of British values.
- Preparedness for adulthood - this includes cultural capital and careers education
Classes structures
Our classes are small compared to mainstream classes; pupils remain in these groups throughout the day in KS3. The named tutor is the first port of call for all enquiries and you will find their e-mail on our website. Pupils move between lessons as they would in a secondary school and are taught by subject specialists within lessons. Basic entitlement for all young people in Key Stage 4, is access to core English Language, maths and one of the sciences. For pupils who are able to access these at a higher level there are further options available, including English Literature, statistics and further sciences. Pupils will also access entry-level and functional skills qualifications, where appropriate.
Additionally, some of our pupils will opt for vocational courses provided by Wiltshire College.
Pupils attending additional 'Alternative provision' (AP)
For some of our pupils there is a need to access additional provision, primarily this is with a therapeutic focus but on occasion it is due to the pupil not being able to access traditional classroom based learning. Providers are all on LA approved lists and monitoring and tracking is rigorous. Ultimately, as pupils move through the years we aspire to engage them in our full curriculum offer.
Our therapy and SEND support offer
We employ two practitioners to support our pupils' mental health and wellbeing; a psychotherapist and a counsellor. They are available in school four days a week and can offer a wide range of therapeutic interventions and support. Where our pupils have additional sensory, communication and language development priorities we access the full local offer of external professionals and agencies, ensuring bespoke and targeted support is accessed.
Our 'Thrive' approach
'Thrive' is a therapeutic whole school approach which enables us to base line and track the social and emotional development of our pupils. We undertake an initial assessment at the point of a pupil joining us, resulting in an individualised profile with associated outcomes, strategies and related activities. All teaching staff and support staff are regularly in receipt of training in order to facilitate the necessary adaptations.
Staff specific SEND qualifications and training
All staff receive training in supporting mental health e.g. 12 hour Mental Health First Aid qualification as well as SEND specific training pertinent to the range of needs for which we cater; ASC, ADHD, pupils with attachment and trauma difficulties. As a 'Thrive' school all staff receive intermittent professional development to ensure that pupils needs can be met. In 2023-24 the school will increase the number of Thrive practitioners and also roll out ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) training for teaching support staff. Teaching staff can access National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) as part of their leadership development and all staff are encouraged to seek and participate in additional training beyond the school's annual CPD (Continued Professional Development) programme.
We are a National Autistic Society accredited school - Dec 2022. Ofsted - 'Good' provider March 2019
We would welcome you visiting our website to find out more about our school:
Full time personalised education placements for pupils with complex SEMH needs who are currently unable to access Downland School's core offer.
An all-inclusive bespoke educational package for each pupil with a place at Downland Hub including all the staffing and resources required. This may include but is not limited to:
- Additional, specialist teaching and support staff
- Intensive support to re-engage with learning
- A nurture informed approach/ environment
- A primary model i.e., fixed classroom groups with consistent teaching and support
- Flexible family support including outreach to pupils' families to develop relationships and establish consistent engagement with learning and attendance
- Access to the school psychotherapist and/or play therapy
- On site forest school
- Off-site alternative provision
- Mentoring on and/or off site
- Opportunities to access and be included in Downland School community
Service duration
- Individual learners will remain with the Service until a suitable transition plan has been completed and implemented.
- The expectation is that as a positive outcome of the enhanced support offered by the Service, some learners will transition into the core offer at Downland School, freeing up places at Downland Hub for new starters who have complex SEMH profiles of need.
- The learners receiving the Service will be reviewed and amended annually.
- Placements into/out of Downland Hub shall be determined by the Council's Discussion & Decision Group 4 (or in the event of the name of the decision-making group's name changing, the decision-making group as so advised by the Council).
Send Service South
SAIL (Salisbury Academy for Inspirational Learning) is a Special Education free school that opened on its permanent site in January 2023. SAIL accommodates neuro diverse population of up to 150 children aged between 4-19 with a primary diagnosis of autism or a SEMH (social, emotional, mental health) profile.
SAIL has a focus of 'building safe independent lives' for the autistic and SEMH population through a process of understanding, support, and enablement. To achieve this goal the school looks at the unique impact autism and social, emotional, and mental health experiences has on the individual child. From this it personalises the child's curriculum, care, and therapeutic package to ensure every child achieves and experiences success and independence.
The curriculum offer
The SAIL curriculum starts at EYFS and runs through to post-16. This curriculum will follow the scope and rigour of the national curriculum but will be adapted to meet the needs of the identified autism and SEMH cohort. The planned curriculum, in all subjects will be coherent and sequenced to ensure knowledge progression and retention. There is key overall focus on ensuring that all pupils know and remember more. To ensure each individual pupil is on their own unique journey towards a 'safe, independent life' we will ensure they are placed at the centre of the curriculum experience.
Pupils will be able to accredit a wide a range of academic and vocational subjects up to an including GCSE's. This curriculum offer is complemented with a Preparation for Adulthood curriculum (PfA) where pupils complete the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award, travel training, work experience and many other enrichment activities.
Class organisation
EYFS, Primary and Secondary pupils up to Year 9 benefit from being educated in the same class with consistent staff members. We find this approach helps pupils to have a sense of belonging and safety. This model also reduces transitions, which may cause anxiety. From Year 10 pupils will move around the school and transition to subject specialists. This model is not set in stone and is flexible dependent on the presentation and need of the pupil population.
Class sizes range for 5-12 pupils dependent on the need of individual pupils, but we are aware that some pupils need highly structured personalised provision.
Therapy offer
SAIL takes a therapy first approach. Many of the pupils will need access to specific therapies to enable learning. The multi-disciplinary team works closely with the education team to ensure the right pedagogical support and pastoral support is in place to allow pupils to maximise their potential. Our curriculum will benefit from integrated therapies in speech and language, occupational therapy and active listening/wellbeing support. In addition, pupils benefit from discrete therapeutic support as identified in their EHCP e.g. counselling, play and/or art therapy.
Enablement strategies
SAIL has a communication friendly environment embedded across the school. This is complemented with 'good' autism and SEND practice that includes TEACCH and attention autism practice. The school has implemented a whole school 'Thrive' approach to support the emotional development of many of the pupils.
Exeter House School caters for students from the ages of 4-19 with a range of complex needs, including: ASD, PMLD and SLD. We believe in preparing students for their lives beyond school and so our approaches to Communication and Interaction and Independence are woven throughout our curriculum.
Our classes
Students across the school are grouped in classes which are broadly within age-bands. Each department includes students who are taught within PMLD or ASD classes.
There are four main departments:
- Lower School (up to Year 5/6)
- Middle School (Year 6 to Year 10)
- Upper School (Year 10 - Year 14)
In addition to these departments, we also have 3 resource base classes in the adjacent Infant and Junior Schools for students who can access aspects of a mainstream setting.
Our curriculum offer
Each department provides a curriculum designed to meet the needs of the learners and prepare them for their next stage. See Exeter House School: Curriculum (opens new window).
We provide a mixed-pathways approach to delivering the curriculum which helps to cater for students who may have differing levels of understanding and engagement in particular subject areas. We also ensure that learning opportunities are reflected within each of the strands for area of need: Communication & Interaction; Sensory & Physical; Cognition & Learning; Social & Emotional and Independence.
Enabling approaches
A Total Communication Strategy is embedded across the school, along with TEACCH, Autism Attention, use of Core Boards, PECS and communication devices with Grid Player software and PODD books.
Wider Curriculum and therapies
We are able to offer our learners a range of regular on and off-site enrichment activities including Forest School, use of the Hydro pool, Music Therapy, Rebound Therapy, swimming at the Five Rivers Leisure Centre, Riding Therapy, as well as accessing various local and community facilities. All of our older students have the opportunity to undertake the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award if they wish to and our secondary aged students can access an Outdoor Pursuits Residential Trip. We employ our own full-time Occupational Therapist and a part-time Speech and Language Therapist as well as working with other agencies.
Admissions arrangements
For more information about our admissions process, please see Exeter House School: Admission arrangements (opens new window), the admissions policy can be found on Exeter House School: Policies (opens new window).