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Wiltshire SEND education guide

3: Mainstream provision

The majority of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disability (SEND) should have their needs met through local provision to ensure that they are fully included in their local communities. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice is clear that all schools must have a focus on inclusivity and should be able to meet the needs of the majority of children and young people with identified SEND. You can read more about a schools commitment and their provision for SEND in each School SEND Information report, this is published on their website and there is a statutory requirement to update this on an annual basis.

All schools must provide high quality teaching that is differentiated, and personalised, and is able to meet the individual needs of our children and young people. Some children and young people may require provision that is different from, or additional tothat of children and young people of the same age therefore, all settings (Early Years/Schools/Colleges) are expected to make special educational provision under Section 21 of The Children's and Families Act 2014. All settings have a duty and must use their best endeavours to ensure that such provision is made for those who need it. Special Educational Provision is underpinned by high quality, Quality First Teaching (QFT), and is compromised by anything less.

You can read more about the provision we expect all learners with addition needs to be supported with in our Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL) guide. The guide contains the reasonable adjustments we expect educators to implement and evidence in the graduated response, this is taken into consideration when a needs assessment is requested. The support and adjustments made are so that a child or young person with SEND can fully participate in their education.

Early Years providers, Schools and Colleges should know precisely where children and young people with SEND are in their learning and development and should:

  • Ensure decisions are informed by the insights of parents and those of the children and young people themselves
  • Have high ambitions and set stretching targets for their children and young people
  • Track their progress towards these goals
  • Keep under review the additional to, or different from, provision that is made for them
  • Promote positive outcomes in the wider areas of personal and social development
  • Ensure that the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on progress

For a complete list of all Mainstream education providers in and around Wiltshire and which SEND Service team oversees their learners please visit:

SEND team schools list by area

You can also visit the Government website to search and download information from a register of all schools and colleges in England.

Get information about schools (opens new window)

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