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SEND Sustainability Plan

If you are looking for information about our new SEND Sustainability Plan see 'SEND sustainability plan'

Support the development of the Wiltshire Safety Valve Plan

Published 3 November 2023

Stakeholder Survey 2 is now open for feedback

Thanks again to the 500 people who filled in our first Stakeholder Survey. Snap Survey: SEND Transformation Programme Stakeholder Reference Group Response Form for parents/carers/setting representatives (opens new window).

We are committed to co-designing this programme of work with parent-carers, schools, colleges, early years and children themselves and this survey is part of that process. It follows an initial stakeholder survey sent out in September through which we were able to hear from around 380 parent carers, 70 schools and early years practitioners and 50 Wiltshire Council staff.

The results of this survey are already influencing how we deliver this programme so thank you if you were someone who filled it in.

This survey is slightly longer than the last one and will take around 20-30 minutes to complete. It will take you through the thinking, at this stage, of what our plan might include and asks for your views on that and on how we should meet the challenges in our SEND system.

This is such an important part of our co-design process and a key way for you to get your views heard.

You can access the survey by visiting:

Snap Survey: SEND Transformation Programme Stakeholder Reference Group Response Form for parents/carers/setting representatives (opens new window)

Parent Carer Co-Design Workshops in November

We are holding a series co-design workshops to support the development of the Safety Valve plan.

There will be three workshops for Parent Carers in late November.

These workshops are the best way to make sure you're views are fed into the plan that we're developing, and we really need to hear from you. Both the 'face-to-face' workshops will be followed by a buffet lunch as our way of saying thank you for your time.

The content will be the mostly the same at all three events so you only need to attend one, but please sign up using the Eventbrite links above.

You can also find updates and similar opportunities by visiting:

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