News and information on changes within the Local Offer website.
Page Updates: This page was last updated: 06/02/2025.
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Information about where to go for support with medical needs.
Mental Health
List of services to support mental health and wellbeing
Supporting My Neurodivergent Young Person (SMNYP)
Helping parent/carers develop a better understanding of their child or young person when approaching inflexible thinking, differences in communication and social interaction, sensory differences and difficulty maintaining attention.
Health services
List of services to support additional health needs
Autism and ADHD information
This page contains information about assessment pathways, support services and additional tools for Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
Support for SEND
The support available to help learners in Wiltshire
Information on emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA)
Description of Emotionally based school avoidance.
Advice and support accessing health services
Who to talk to about support accessing health services
Employment 16+
Wiltshire has a wide variety of ways to engage with further learning opportunities or get ready for a range of workplaces.
Training 16+
Information about supporting training for work and life skills to promote independence 16+
Information and guidance to support young people's path to independence in Wiltshire.
Employment and Community Skills
The teams in the ECS service work with young people and adults with special educational needs and disabilities, including autism spectrum conditions. Supporting people on the pathway to adulthood, employment and beyond.