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New introduction to WPCC video

Information about the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council

Published 2 May 2024
A group of WPCC staff smiling in the office

Wiltshire's Parent Carer Forum (WPCC) represents and supports parent carers of children and young people aged 0-25 resident in Wiltshire. The WPCC also supports parent carers, and professional colleagues working with them, through its Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Service (SENDIS). If you're looking for specific information on services, organisations, or activities

You can learn more about the work the WPCC does to shape services on behalf of Parent Carers in Wiltshire by visiting their new video linked further down this page or their website Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) (opens new window).

Since establishing in 2008, the WPCC has grown and evolved significantly over the years. Despite their membership now exceeding over 5,000 registered parent carers, there are still many people who don't know about the WPCC.

The WPCC tries to promote who they are and what they do in a number of ways including their website, a presence on many other websites, social media, bulletins and newsletters sent to all schools and settings, their proactive Engagement team, attending events and hosting events, relying on word of mouth and their information leaflet.

The WPCC recognises that people access information in different ways, so to enhance the different ways they try to describe who they are and what they do, and reach even more people, they have produced a short film that tries to give a brief overview of the WPCC and information about some of what they do. This has been made possible thanks to a recent successful small one-off grant application the WPCC submitted to the DfE. The WPCC also expresses sincere thanks to Flying Monk Community Projects (opens new window) who we commissioned to produce this film for them.

If you know of other parent/carers who may benefit from WPCC support or forum to share their voice please do share their YouTube video.

Watch YouTube: The Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) (opens new window)

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