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Wiltshire SEND education guide

11: SEN school transport

Information on school age student travel in Wiltshire if you hold an EHCP, education health and care plan.

We like our taxi journey because we are like a family. We bring in cakes for each other, we sing, we talk about the weather, we tell stories to each other. It is so much fun.

I like helping the two year 7's I have in my taxi, we talk about anything they are worried about and I make sure they are happy. If I can't help I tell a teacher who then helps them.

For more quotes from young people using our transport service visit the voice pages for Your voice 5 to 11 or Your voice 11 to 16.

Our transport services can arrange a meet and greet with the driver where there is a need to reduce anxiety about new journeys, for more information contact the SEN transport team (opens new window).

There are around 1,800 pupils transported to schools across Wiltshire who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Transport can take the form of a car or a specialised minibus to cater for wheelchair users. The Assessment and Placement team decide who is entitled to transport and the Passenger Transport Unit are responsible for arranging this transport and the contracts with local transport providers.

Who to talk to

To discuss your needs, call us on 01225 757943 or email us at (opens new window).

You can submit a request for support with travel, using our online form: 

SEND Travel Request Application: up to and including year 11 (opens new window)

Alternatively, you can download and print the form: SEN Travel Application Form (under16) (Word doc, 119 KB)(opens new window) (postal details are provided in the form).

You can also write to us at this address:

SEND Transport
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN.

Policy Information

For policy information on when Wiltshire Council can help with travel to school, college, or further education visit:

SEND Transport Policy

If you do not have an EHCP you will find the Education travel information on the main council website useful.

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