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Priority 3: Provide opportunities for timely planning, reflective of the views of the child or young person and parent-carers' current needs, that have clear outcomes.

What children and young people and their families told us about this priority area

Know my interests.... let me share my goals for the future

Young Pioneers Group 2023

Forward planning for the family - describe what other key things will happen and when, during the year.

Parent/Carer Discussion Group 2024

Why this is a priority

We recognise that holistic and timely planning across education, health and care leads to stronger individual outcomes.

We know that when we work together, we are more joined up, efficient and timely in our work, and produce a better experience for our children and young people and their families.

The local area must continue to develop provision in response to emerging demand.

What children and young people and their families will see as a result:

  • Children and young people and their families will tell us that their experience is improving and that our plans to support them are timely, person centred, meet their needs, and are jointly produced with them.
  • Review meetings that are timely, ensure the child or young person is central to the process, with parent/carers confident in what is planned for their child.
  • The local area partnership will use robust evidence to inform the commissioning of provision and services for our children with SEND, including the use of Alternative Provision.

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