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Priority 4: Ensuring excellent quality communication and information, for families to have a positive experience when navigating services, with information that is easy to access and use.

What children and young people and their families told us about this priority area

Know how to communicate with me

Young Pioneers Group 2024

Take time to talk to us

Parent Carer Discussion Groups 2024

Why this is a priority

Families have told us how important it is to have good and easy access to information including for families of children who have an emerging need or are new to our processes.

They have told us that they would like to be able to contact the right person or service quickly, at the point of needing advice.

We must also demonstrate that when we receive feedback, we communicate back how we have listened and improved services as a result.

We want to be better at communicating with children and young people with SEND using their preferred way and by giving them a range of ways to express their needs.

What children and young people and their families will see as a result:

  • They will tell us that we have a clear system of consistent and easy to access support services across education, health and care.
  • Families will tell us that we are more transparent and open in our approach and that they feel respected and valued as partners.
  • We will receive positive feedback from families regarding our advice and guidance in terms of accessibility and quality of information.
  • Children, young people and their families will see evidence of planning and provision that reflects their views.
  • Parents will feel more confident and less dependent on professionals and services.

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