Introduction to Growing up and Moving on, a co-created guide for preparing for adulthood.
Growing up and becoming an adult is a big change in your life, as you prepare for increased independence and start making plans for the future. It is important that you are supported to make decisions about what you are hoping to do with your life once you are an adult, for example, what you would like to do after you leave school or college, who you would like to live with, what kind of job or volunteering you might like to do.
Having your families support as well as that of those around you (such as your teacher, SEND worker or social worker) to make the most of the opportunities is really important and that's why we've put together this guide to help you.
This guide is designed to provide you and your family with information that will help you while you are growing up and will focus on four key areas:
- Education, employment, and training
- Independent living
- Being part of your community
- Your health
It will also give you information on the steps to becoming an adult and what support or services you could be eligible for and who to contact for help and advice.
You may come across some words that you don't know, there is a list on page 17 you can look at to help you understand.
This guide will apply to you if:
- You have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), including Children in Care (CIC) and Care Leavers aged 13-25 who have a My Support Plan or an Education, Health and Care Plan (known as an EHCP).
- If you have complex needs or disabilities or are considered vulnerable. You will have a social worker who provides you and your family with support.
We've created an easy-to-read version of the guide and this is available at:
- Growing up and Moving on Guide (PDF, 619 KB)(opens new window)
- Growing up and Moving on Guide (OpenDocument text format, 371 KB)(opens new window)
Information from this document and other relevant information can be found in the following pages.