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Multi-sensory stories for children and teenagers books and multi-sensory stories are a free resource available from Wiltshire's Libraries All our libraries have special children's areas with a range of boo...
SEND small grants scheme update Council are inviting individuals and organisations to apply for small grants to increase the number of opportunities and activities available for chil...
SEND newsletter have launched a new SEND newsletter to provide you with the latest information on SEND matters in Wiltshire. We will be sharing regular copies of the newslet...
WPCC Wiltshire Short Breaks Bulletin to use the Short Breaks Bulletin Activities listed may be for a specific age range or groups of children based on needs. Some activities are specifically ru...
Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG Report guidance is designed to ensure that children and young people who have health needs are able to have full access to an educational setting, including early...
Small grants scheme makes a big impact for SEND families in Wiltshire grants scheme makes a big impact for SEND families in Wiltshire Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND) groups and organisations have been ma...
Wiltshire Council SEND Travel Survey 2022 Council is asking children and families to complete a survey on the SEND Travel services that you may currently receive, and give you an opportunity t...
Short Breaks Scheme 2022-2023's Short Breaks Scheme enables eligible children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), additional support to ...
Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool Questionnaire want to hear from our parents and carers of young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to find out their views on the support available and...
Special schools newsletter - November 2021