Information about the purpose of the Local Offer Reference Group and its work
How to feedback about the Wiltshire Local Offer Website: Local Offer Feedback | Vimeo
What the Local Offer Reference Group is
This group is for people to have their views listened to about the information available on support and services for those with additional needs 0 to 25 years and the people that support them. We will be visiting established groups of people across the county including parent/carers, young people, those in education or employment and others within the SEND community. The session will be supported by the people the group are familiar with and the meeting will take place somewhere the group leader thinks will be familiar and accessible to its members. Information will be sent out ahead of the meeting by the people who support your group, so you know:
- when and where the session will take place
- what you are going to be asked
- information about the topic
- how to record your views at home
If you have questions before or after the session you can talk to the familiar person who is supporting your meeting or email (opens new window).
What to expect in a group session
Introductions will be made to the session leader and the topic of discussion. There will also be time to check any adjustments or support needed during the session for those attending. The group will be asked to access the Wiltshire Local Offer website via a phone, tablet or laptop to answer the questions.
There will be set questions asked about a particular topic using an interactive app Menti Mentimeter (opens new window). Answers will be recorded so the Group can see what needs to improve, what is going okay and what is great.
In the second half of the session people can suggest their ideas to improve things or raise anything else about the topic they feel is important.
How your voice makes change
The views recorded for the Local Offer reference group are anonymous. The results of the sessions will clearly show the areas of the Local Offer information its users need improvement in.
The ideas and feedback from the session will help us to start improving the information in the way best suited to the community that use the Local Offer.
The themes from the comments will be recorded in the annual report published on the Local Offer website and the resulting actions taken will be included.
Online surveys
Recorded versions of the sessions including the links to have your say on the topics discussed in person can be found here after the groups have taken place, this is to ensure everyone has an opportunity to give their views should they wish to. Feedback links remain live for 14 days, please contact (opens new window) to share your feedback later.
Date | Title | Group visited | Online Survey Links |
22 February 2024 | What is on the Local Offer | Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) | What is on the Local Offer Survey - Mentimeter (opens new window) |
17 April 2024 | Early Help and Ordinary Provision Information | New SENCo group | Early Help and Ordinary Provision information on the Local Offer - Mentimeter |
29 May 2024 | Accessibility of information on the Local Offer | Young Pioneers (Centre for Independent Living) | Accessibility of information on the Local Offer - Mentimeter |
7 June 2024 | Event Information on the Local Offer | FE Student Council (Fairfield College) | Event Information on the Local Offer - Mentimeter |
20 June /18 Sept 2024 | How well is the Local Offer marketed | Parent Carer Support (Community First/ Wiltshire Carer Support) | How well is the Local Offer marketed - Mentimeter |
15 August 2024 | Quality assurance of Local Offer information | Local Offer Steering Group | Quality assurance of Local Offer information - Mentimeter |
4 September 2024 | Young peoples involvement in improving the Local Offer | Wiltshire Youth Council | Young peoples involvement in improving the Local Offer - Mentimeter |
10 October 2024 | Giving your views to the Local Offer team | Local Offer Steering Group | Giving your views to the Local Offer team - Mentimeter |
21 November 2024 | How much do you trust the information on the Local Offer | Local Offer Steering Group | How much do you trust the information on the Local Offer - Mentimeter |
28 November 2024 | Improving the content on the Local Offer | WPCC Information Event | Improving the content on the Local Offer - Mentimeter |
TBC Early 2025 | Website Development | To be confirmed | February 2025 |
If you wish to feed back at any time and not related to the Reference Group topics you can use the Local Offer survey (opens new window), the anonymous Submit feedback form or email (opens new window).
Further information
For an easy read version describing the purpose and process of the Local Offer Reference Group please download the below accessible documents:
- 1 What is the Local Offer Reference Group - Easy Read (OpenDocument text format, 17 MB)(opens new window)
- 2 What to expect as part of the Local Offer Reference Group Easy Read (OpenDocument text format, 7 MB)(opens new window)
- 3 How your voice is used and recorded in the Local Offer Reference Group Easy Read (OpenDocument text format, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- Information about the Local Offer Reference Group Easy Read Complete (PDF, 477 KB)(opens new window)
To read about the membership of the group, the agenda and further information about the work of the Local Offer Reference group you can visit: