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Supported Internship

Find out about how Wiltshire based Supported Internships help young people access a pathway to paid employment.

Wiltshire Supported internships are a partnership between Wiltshire College and Wiltshire Council.  They are individualised study programmes offered by the college and supported by Wiltshire Employment Support Team job coaches. They help young people gain practical experience and work skills to give them a realistic chance of getting paid employment

Watch: What are supported internships (opens new window)

Young person working in a café
Young person working in a shop
Young person looking happy

Zac is doing very well; we can see the difference in him already. I feel his personality is starting to shine through. I feel he's feeling comfortable with us all now am pleased with him and hoping he will move on with more skills and tasks as he gets settled more. - Café Manager

What to expect

The Supported Internship year will be your last year at college and will act as a transition from education to employment.

Who supported internships are for

The programme includes on-the-job training, with the support and expertise of experienced job coaches, and college-based learning with access to any relevant qualifications needed for the job you would like to do. This is a course for learners aged 18 - 24 who have an EHCP, and need more support than would normally be available through the Wiltshire Employment Support Team (WEST). Applicants should have completed some work experience and ideally should be able to provide a reference.

How to apply

Choose the college where you would like to study and complete a college application form.

For more information visit:

Wiltshire College & University Centre (opens new window) 

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