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Travel 16+

Information on using and booking transport in Wiltshire for SEND users over the age of 16.

Young Person waiting for the bus
Young person getting off the bus
Young Person getting on the bus
Young person reading bus timetable
Bus stop button

Watch: Young Pioneer takes you Travel Training ( (opens new window)

Post-16 (16+) education travel application form

This form is for young people who are unable to travel to school or college using mainstream transport.

Post-16 Travel application form (OpenDocument text format, 55 KB)(opens new window)

Complete the Post-16 travel application online (opens new window)

To discuss your needs further, call us on 01225 757 943 or email us at (opens new window).

You can also write to:

SEN Transport
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN.

If you do not have an EHCP you may find the transport information on the main council website useful.

19+ Educational Travel

From the age of 19 there is no subsidised travel contribution. If you are applying for transport for a young person who is over 19 years old on the 1 September, has an EHCP and is assessed to need support accessing full time education, transport will be provided free of charge. 

Travel Training App

Visit our The Hazard/Travel App (opens new window) which helps prepare young people for public transport and longer journeys.

Apply for a blue badge

Apply for a Blue Badge with Wiltshire Council. Find out if you're eligible and how to apply for parking benefits for individuals with mobility problems.


Wiltshire public and school bus transport, free concessionary bus passes.

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