Information on using and booking transport in Wiltshire for SEND users over the age of 16.
Watch: Young Pioneer takes you Travel Training ( (opens new window)
Post-16 (16+) education travel application form
This form is for young people who are unable to travel to school or college using mainstream transport.
Post-16 Travel application form (OpenDocument text format, 55 KB)(opens new window)
Complete the Post-16 travel application online (opens new window)
To discuss your needs further, call us on 01225 757 943 or email us at (opens new window).
You can also write to:
SEN Transport
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN.
If you do not have an EHCP you may find the transport information on the main council website useful.
19+ Educational Travel
From the age of 19 there is no subsidised travel contribution. If you are applying for transport for a young person who is over 19 years old on the 1 September, has an EHCP and is assessed to need support accessing full time education, transport will be provided free of charge.
Travel Training App
Visit our The Hazard/Travel App (opens new window) which helps prepare young people for public transport and longer journeys.