Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL)
How to use this document
This document is split into two sections:
Section one: expectations of all settings
Section two: support for broad areas of need.
The more specific support detailed in section two should be made in addition to the provision in section one to provide an appropriate response according to need. The decisions regarding what support should be made available will form part of the graduated response (assess, plan, do, review) with the child, parent/carers and education setting regularly re-visiting decisions about appropriate provision.
Section one (expectations of all settings)
This section outlines the expectations on all educational settings, according to the needs of the CYP.
All settings must apply the principles underpinning the SEND Code of Practice 0 to 25 years (opens new window) and have regard to the Equality Act 2010: guidance (opens new window).
- Trauma informed practice
- Useful links for SENCos
- Useful links for parents
- Partnerships with children, young people and parent/carers
- Assessment
- Pastoral
- The physical and sensory environment
- Teaching and learning strategies
- Resources
- Staff skills and training
- Transition and transfer
- Partnership with outside professionals
Section two (support for broad areas of need)
This section is separated by the four areas of need set out in the Code of Practice SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK (opens new window) - GOV.UK.
Many CYP may have needs across more than one category and certain conditions may not fall neatly into one area of need. When reviewing and managing special educational provision, the four broad areas of need may be helpful as a guide to ensure you can provide support across these areas.
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs