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Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL)

Section One: assessment, pastoral, the physical and sensory environment, teaching and learning strategies

Expectations of all settingsStrategies

A regular cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review is used to ensure that CYP with SEND are making progress. Staff should ensure that formative assessment and feedback are a feature of teaching and learning.

Expertise is in place to manage reasonable examination arrangements (access arrangements) for assessments, national tests and public examinations.

Settings make adaptations to assessment arrangements based on the CYP's normal way of working and reasonable adjustments used to enable the CYP access their learning. Refer to the relevant exam board guidelines. Arrangements could include:

  • rest breaks
  • use of a reader, scribe or laptop
  • extra time
  • Adapted resources are used in class and assessments
Expectations of all settingsStrategies

The setting recognises, and responds to, the need for pastoral support for CYP with SEND, bearing in mind the individual's social and emotional needs and other relevant contextual circumstances.

  • Trauma-informed practice is supported across the curriculum
  • There is a calm and purposeful climate for learning where CYP feel they belong, and their contributions are valued
  • CYP can identify an agreed safe space
  • Language used demonstrates unconditional positive regard for CYP (e.g. Relational Approaches; Attachment-aware practice)
  • Awareness that CYP with SEND are vulnerable to bullying and an appropriate level of support and monitoring is in place.
  • Aspects of the curriculum are used to develop wellbeing and resilience
  • Peer awareness and sensitivity towards difference (including SEND) are raised at a whole setting level. Work is done with classes and groups regarding specific needs or conditions as appropriate.

CYP feels safe and valued. They know that they can approach staff and that their opinions and concerns are valued.

  • A named adult/key person provides a stable point of reference when required
  • Negative attitudes, beliefs and perceptions towards individuals and groups are challenged
  • CYP voice is encouraged and acted on
The physical and sensory environment
Expectations of all settingsStrategies

The physical environment is adapted to meet the needs of CYP.

  • "reasonable adjustments" are made according to individual needs
  • The furniture is the appropriate size/height for the CYP
  • Extra-curricular activities and educational visits are planned to fully include CYP with SEND (in line with the Equalities Act 2010), including those with SEMH and physical disabilities. "Reasonable adjustments" are made
  • CYP's views are routinely sought and are used to inform planning for physical or sensory adaptations that they may require

Staff are aware of sensory needs and issues that may impact on CYP.

  • CYP sensory needs are known and used to plan the environment, including seating arrangements and movement breaks
  • Left and right-handed CYP are able to use equipment comfortably and seated so that they don't knock each other as they write/draw
  • CYP who wear glasses and/or hearing aids wear them and are seated in the optimum position
  • Displays are meaningful and visually accessible to reduce sensory overload
  • Staff are aware of lighting in the room e.g. use of natural light, glare from the board, where you stand in relation to the light
  • Use of pale background and accessible font styles on the whiteboard
  • Staff are aware of smells and noise in the room and any particular individuals who may be significantly impacted by these. E.g. room next to the canteen or music room
Teaching and learning strategies
Expectations of all settingsStrategies

Staff differentiate to provide suitable learning challenges and cater for different learning needs and styles.

Use of success criteria or similar to promote independence, scaffold and support.

  • Metacognitive processes such as modelling, cueing, prompting, and self-scaffolding are used to aid understanding and promote independence
  • Visual/audio demonstrations and visual cues/audio commentary are used; key vocabulary is displayed with visual
  • Alternatives to written recording are used routinely
  • Skills to promote independent learning and/or study skills are explicitly taught, CYP have access to homework clubs, or additional support with homework
  • Homework is differentiated appropriately for CYP
  • Staff handwriting on the board, working walls and in CYP's books is clear and legible
  • Technology e.g. interactive whiteboard, tablets etc are used to effectively promote engagement and scaffold the learning

Staff ensure that CYP have opportunities to work in different ways e.g. independently, in a variety of small groups and/or in pairs.

  • Strategies are used to actively promote independent learning e.g. through pre-teaching, overlearning, appropriately differentiated resources
  • Seating plans and groupings take account of individual needs and routinely provide opportunities for access to role-models, mixed-ability groups, structured opportunities for conversation and sharing of ideas and access to additional adults where they are available
  • Use of additional adults is planned to maximise their impact on learning
  • CYP are explicitly taught appropriate skills to manage routines and independence
  • Relational practices are used to build and maintain positive relationships across the whole setting community

Staff provide opportunities for collaborative learning and peer support.

There are opportunities to develop peer awareness/sensitivity and support for different needs and disabilities both in and out of the classroom

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