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Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL)

Section One: Resources, staff skills and training, transition and transfer

Expectations of all settingsStrategies
Resources are allocated appropriately to ensure additional needs are met.

Quality and impact of support is reviewed.

Specific resources and strategies are provided to overcome potential barriers to learning.

Increased use of ICT resources.

  • Resources are within easy reach of  Children and Young people (CYP) to promote independence and reduce stigma.
  • CYP have easy access to sensory equipment that they require, e.g. writing slopes, pencil grips, wobble cushions, fidget toys, ear defenders, and weighted blankets.
  • Resources are clear and uncluttered, labelled using text and images. Print size and font is appropriate. Coloured backgrounds and paper are used to reduce visual stress.
  • Resources are organised to be accessible; this may involve reducing resources available.
  • Physical resources such as PE and Maths equipment are adapted to promote independence e.g. different size balls.
  • Tangible apparatus and adapted resources are available for those CYP who require it.
  • CYP are taught how to use these resources effectively.
  • Technology is used to support alternatives to written recording and to promote independent learning.
  • The skills to use specific resources are taught e.g. touch typing.
Staff skills and training
Expectations of all settingsStrategies
All staff make a positive contribution to progress.
  • Additional adults are deployed proactively and their impact on the CYP is monitored carefully to ensure progress is supported and maintained.
  • Grouping/seating arrangements and additional support are used to promote independent learning as far as possible.
  • Strategies taught and used in interventions are integrated into teaching so that CYP can sustain progress within the setting.
There is a plan for ongoing Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) in relation to the needs of the CYP.
Staff collaborate and have effective links with other relevant outside agencies and specialists.
  • Staff know when and how to refer for extra support or advice.
  • The setting is aware of and regularly communicates with any other professionals who are involved with each CYP.
  • Advice received from other professionals is used to inform teaching and learning.
Transition and transfer
Expectations of all settingsStrategies
Support is in place for routine and life transitions when required.Transitions include:
  • moving around the setting/ playroom or changing to another setting
  • Starting school
  • Preparing for the end of the day
  • preparing for weekends, the start of holidays and beginning of term
  • moving from lesson to lesson
  • changing from structured to unstructured times
  • moving from one activity to the next within a lesson
  • changes of staff - permanent and temporary
  • special events: visitors, visits, celebrations
  • life events: birth of a sibling, change in parenting arrangements e.g. change in parent/carers relationship status, loss and bereavement or contact visits
  • puberty
Staff are aware of those who will need additional support for all or most transitions and plan for these transitions. This includes CYP who:
  • have insecure attachment, including but not limited to Looked After Children, Children who are subject to Child in Need or Child Protection Plan and Service Pupils
  • have social communication difficulty
  • are neuro-diverse (ND)
  • suffered trauma, loss, or bereavement
  • are anxious

Strategies include:

  • Safe spaces are available within the room or an identified area within the setting
  • Visual timetables are used, events are removed or ticked off when finished. These may also include an "oops" for when things change unexpectedly.
  • Timers are used to show CYP how long they have to work for/how long they have to finish.
  • Opportunities for periods of respite using withdrawal to smaller groups. This might include self-directed/individual time-out.
  • Plans are made for unstructured times: safe spaces are available; there are structured alternatives such as games club or use of the library for vulnerable CYP.
  • Transition warnings such as 'now and next' visual cards are used.
  • Transitional objects are used to support children who struggle with transition.
  • Timers are used to show CYP how long they have left before a transition happens.
  • Alternative activities, structures or routines are in place dependent on individual needs.
Procedures are in place for ensuring smooth progression within and between settings, particularly during all transition phases, including on entry and exit.
  • Information is actively sought and shared about CYP to support successful transitions and manage change both within the setting and beyond. This information should include child and parents carers voice.
  • This information is available for the CYP's parent carers, other colleagues within the setting and receiving or previous settings as required.
  • Staff are aware of CYP who need additional support while transitions and adjustments are made, e.g. additional visits to a new setting/classroom with a familiar trusted adult, creating social stories, staff from new setting visiting old setting.

Early Years guidance

Visit Right Choice: Early Years Inclusion Advisors Service (opens new window).

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