Wiltshire Ordinarily Available Provision for All Learners (OPAL)
Section Two: Sensory and/or physical needs
General expected practices
This provision should be in addition to the expectations in section one.
- all staff are aware of individual CYP's sensory/physical disability and implications in all teaching and learning environments
- favourable seating arrangements are identified
- staff are aware that for some CYP, a sensory or physical disability could impact on their language and social interaction
- staff should be aware of how to use appropriate equipment issued to the CYP in order to help access to education; this equipment should be checked and used appropriately and any issues/faults should be addressed in a timely fashion
- staff should ensure that all CYP have understood all instructions
Early Year Guidance
- Plan to meet health care needs at an appropriate time in the settings routine, for example the changing of nappies.
- Health care needs are covered by the settings policies, for example allergies.
- Written risk assessment in place / safety plan to ensure emergency procedures are fully understood by all staff. Risk assessment / safety plan to be reviewed regularly with parents / carers.
- Individual health care plan in place written by a relevant medical professional.
- Access to HCRG Children and Young People's training to meet identified health care needs, visit Wiltshire Children's Community Health Services: Children and Young Peoples Training Team (opens new window).
Identified barrier and/or need | Provision and/or strategies: approaches, adjustments and specific interventions expected to be made by settings according to the ages and stages of the CYP |
Hearing needs | Staff to work together with other professionals to share strategies and advice to support the child or young person with a hearing needs as advised by Qualified Teacher of the Deaf. Communication Strategies Adults should: - staff to work together with other professionals to share strategies and advice
- be made aware how best to support in school
- have appropriate training
- be aware the CYP may use lip-reading and visual clues to support their hearing. Ensure that they are able to see lip patterns when you are giving instructions; try not to move around the room whilst talking
- deliver instructions clearly and at normal conversational level
- check the lesson content has been heard and understood, particularly when delivering new information, instructions or homework; and/or using unfamiliar vocabulary
- repeat/rephrase pertinent comments made by other members of the class
- be aware that during PE or Games lessons and practical subjects it will be more difficult to follow instructions
- encourage good listening behaviour: sitting still, looking and listening
- enable CYP to have time to respond verbally
- use CYP's name to gain their attention before speaking to them
Early Years Guidance- Support instructions with a range of alternative communication strategies such as Makaton, objects of reference and visual aids.
The CYP with a hearing need should: - be seated appropriately with clear view of adult's face and any visual material used
- if the CYP has a unilateral loss - sit at front with better ear nearest to the speaker
- be encouraged to ask when not sure what to do and encourage to access resources independently
Early Years Guidance- Promote independence by offering an adult led and child led curriculum
Access to the curriculum: - words spoken on an audio/visual recording may need a person to repeat what is being said, provide written copy and/or use subtitles
- visual reinforcement
- pre and post tutoring to introduce vocabulary and concepts
- apply appropriate exam concessions
Deaf Friendly learning environment: - carpeting, soft furnishing, rubber feet on the table and chair legs etc. will reduce noise
- CYP should be seated away from any source of noise e.g. window, corridor, fan heater, projector, the centre of the room etc.
- minimise background noise and maintain a quiet working environment, particularly for specific listening work
- visual timetable and use of visual cues i.e. sand timers to support sharing
- appropriate safety and deliver and/or signpost to appropriate interventions
- appropriate evacuation procedures in place
- planned and unplanned breaks as appropriate
- promote positive attitudes towards hearing needs within the school environment
- differentiated activities should reflect CYP individual needs to ensure full access to the curriculum
- access to IT as appropriate
Audiological Management - staff working with the CYP HI should understand the use of hearing aids, radio aids and any other appropriate equipment; training will be provided by the Hearing Team as required
Social and Emotional Wellbeing - pastoral support to support social, emotional and mental health
- encourage and facilitate social interactions with peers
Visual needs | - staff to work together with other professionals to share strategies and advice to support the child or young person as advised by Qualified Teacher for the Visually Impaired (QTVI) and/or Habilitation Specialist
- promote positive attitudes towards people with visual needs within the school environment and local communities, with advice from the Vision Support Team
- plan and deliver differentiated classroom activities to reflect student's individual needs and ensure full access to all activities as well as support social, emotional, communication and physical skills
- additional time to complete tasks
- language mediation of visual information which is beyond CYP visual reach e.g. use auditory reinforcements
- post and pre tutoring to ensure concepts are understood
- provide uncluttered space and plain backgrounds to help the CYP person focus on the appropriate object
- provide access to quieter learning environments at times if necessary
- support to promote full social inclusion and to develop social skills
- differentiated and modified visual learning material e.g. recommended print size and font type, decluttered, wider spacing, different coloured paper, modification of task at source
- provision of stationery e.g., bold lined/squared paper, coloured paper, writing slopes, coloured glue sticks
- large print library books and talking books
- bold writing pens
- use of real objects to support concept development and understanding
- access to larger and tactile learning materials e.g. real life objects, tactile maps and globes, VI protractors and rulers
- provide exam access arrangements as advised
- use of ICT for example, iPad connected to whiteboard and electronic books
- reading apps. E.g. Dolphin Easy Reader App
- touch typing and touch typing programme when required to improve recording
- use of magnification and accessibility features in IT/technology. E.g. visualisers, low vision aids iPads/tablets
- support in practical lessons for Health & Safety
- adapted physical activities e.g., brightly contrasting equipment
- line marking and visually friendly environments as per environmental audit and similar interventions suggested by Habilitation Specialist or QTVI
- implement strategies advised by Habilitation Specialist
- take account of mobility needs such as accessing mobility training
- equipment for life skills/curriculum activities e.g., talking scales
- provide additional resources for inclusive play, for example a bell in the ball, so all can play together
Early Years Guidance- use auditory reinforcements such as voice recorders
Physical disability | Settings are expected to use their best endeavours to make reasonable adjustments as advised by Physical and Medical specialist teachers, for more info visit Right Choice: Physical and Medical Needs (opens new window) The children and young people with a physical disability should: - have their voice heard and responded to.
- be included in the discussions around differentiation and adaptations.
- have appropriate access to their learning environment.
Accessibility within the setting: - setting to have an ongoing accessibility plan with timely updates and planned work.
- flexible school policies and expectations to accommodate physical and medical needs.
- appropriate access to the environment such as accessible bathroom, ramps etc.
- all rooms have suitable seating / table / work surface access.
- height adjustable or lower tables to be used for subjects such as Science, DT, Art and Food Technology
- timetable rooms or external areas with access requirements considered including alternative social areas.
- consideration of storage space for equipment.
- setting employer has responsibility for the writing and review of risk assessments, PEEP and relevant plans.
- provide accessible transport and accessible off-site day and residential trips.
Access to curriculum: - CYP to be fully included in all aspects of school life including PE and off-site trips and residential breaks.
- teachers to plan a fully inclusive curriculum including time for transition between subjects. Relevant risk assessments for practical subjects to allow access.
- have what the CYP 'can do' as the start point. Use adult support flexibly to promote independence.
- ensure the CYP has access to any equipment they require such as a laptop, iPad and these are charged and linked to the relevant network with correct accessibility features set up.
- timetable, where possible, classrooms on the ground floor and reduce unnecessary journeys.
- where appropriate, provide opportunities to integrate therapy programmes as advised.
Teachers may need to make reasonable adaptations such as: - use of technology including voice activation
- emailing documents to devices in advance
- uploading work online
- providing a copy of documents to reduce writing demands.
- prior differentiation communication with support staff.
Additional Provision: - appropriate staffing and hygienic toileting facilities that respect the dignity and privacy of the CYP
- ensure equipment is regularly checked, cleaned and where relevant charged
- staff are trained to use the equipment & the risk assessments are provided and reviewed by setting at least annually
- cleaning protocols of equipment on site
- where relevant, make arrangements to ensure the CYP's personal and dietary needs are met
- clear medication protocol in setting including risk assessments and storage as well as administering
- Trained staff to meet the CYP physical needs such as manual handling, medication administration, therapy programmes
- support internal and external transition
- ensure Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans as well as Toilet Management Plans are in place when relevant
- setting to accommodate medical appointments and surgery by attendance at meetings, alternative work, extension of deadlines
- engagement with relevant professionals and external educational providers such as MNERS
Social and emotional wellbeing: - pastoral support for social, emotional and mental health
- encourage and facilitate social interactions with peers
- close liaison between home and setting to promote well-being
- seek the CYP views about their inclusion in special events and school trips, to ensure all anxieties and barriers are discussed and removed
Early Years Guidance:- staff to work together with other professionals to share strategies and advice to support the child
- staff need moving and manual handling training as required
- appropriate use of support equipment e.g. standing frames, walkers, wheelchairs, protective helmets, high low tables, in line with advice from therapists
- put in place accessibility planning and appropriate risk assessments
- provide accessible toilet and changing facilities
- staff have appropriate training to meet physical needs
- Children have access to adapted equipment to access specific aspects of the setting and the curriculum e.g. cutlery, crockery, scissors
Severe and complex medical needs including a life threatening or life limiting diagnosis or condition | Settings can access the Physical and Medical Right Choice section for support and advice by visiting: Right Choice: Physical and Medical Needs (opens new window) The CYP with a severe medical need should: Accessibility within the setting: - setting to have an ongoing accessibility plan with timely updates and planned work
- provide an appropriate space for medical/hygiene intervention
- flexible school policies and expectations to accommodate physical and medical needs
- timetable rooms or external areas with access requirements considered including alternative social areas
- consideration of storage space for equipment
- setting employer has responsibility for the writing and review of risk assessments, PEEP and relevant plans
- provide accessible transport and accessible off-site day and residential trips
Access to the curriculum: - CYP to be fully included in all aspects of school life including PE and off-site trips and residential breaks
- teachers to plan a fully inclusive curriculum including time for transition between subjects; relevant risk assessments for practical subjects to allow access
- have what the CYP 'can do' as the start point. Use adult support flexibly to promote independence
- teachers may need to make reasonable adaptations such as:
Use of technology including voice activation Emailing documents to devices in advance Uploading work online Providing a copy of documents to reduce writing demands - prior differentiation communication with support staff
- ensure the CYP has access to any equipment they require such as a laptop, iPad and these are charged and linked to the relevant network with correct accessibility features set up
- timetable, where possible, classrooms on the ground floor and reduce unnecessary journeys
- where appropriate, provide opportunities to integrate therapy programmes as advised
- support internal and external transition
Equipment/ medication and health management: - clear medication protocol in setting including risk assessments and storage as well as administering
- appropriate staffing and hygienic facilities that respect the dignity and privacy of the CYP
- identify staff and a process to ensure all medication and resources are on site and to request more supplies from home, as needed
- staff are trained to administer the medication/procedure and the risk assessments are reviewed by setting at least annually
- setting to liaise with the health professionals providing the training and consider staff consistency
- staff should follow the CYP's care plan
- ensure Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans as well as Toilet Management Plans are in place when relevant
- setting to accommodate medical appointments and surgery by attendance at meetings, alternative work, extension of deadlines
- engagement with relevant specialist professionals and external educational providers such as MNERS
- staff to be trained and aware of bereavement policies, where appropriate
Social and emotional well-being: - pastoral support for social, emotional and mental health
- encourage and facilitate social interactions with peers
- close liaison between home and setting to promote well-being
- seek the CYP views about their inclusion in special events and school trips, to ensure all anxieties and barriers are discussed and removed
Early Years Guidance:- regular home and setting contact when/if children are not able to attend, to maintain 'sense of belonging' with peers and the community
Strategies and resources to support children with Sensory Processing needs | Early Years Guidance:- Gain more information on the child's sensory profile by completing the Sensory Intergration Questionnaire.
- Provide individualised planning to meet any identified sensory seeking or aversion.
- Use the SPARK-EY and SWASS documents to support any identified sensory need.
- Provide sensory chews where appropriate.
- Consider making adaptations to the learning environment to support any identified sensory need.
- Consider the use of ear defenders for children who are sensitive to noises and sound.
- Provide opportunities for the child to meet sensory experiences through movement. Eg. swinging, hanging upside down or rocking.
- Consider using a wobble cushion.
- Sensory fidget toys encourage focus, help to reduce self-stimulatory behaviour and can help to calm and reduce stress.
- Consider the child's clothing and make adjustments in response to the child's needs.
Sources of support